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The computer flashed up an error message.计算机突然闪现出错误信息。They consistently misinform and mislead the people who elected them.他们一直向把自己选上台的民众传达错误信息并误导他们。It was quite clear the President was being given false information by those around him.很明显,总统身边的人在不断向他传递错误信息。We don't want to send the wrong messages to our young people.我们不想把错误信息传达给我们的年轻人。He did a disservice to readers by providing wrong information.他提供错误信息对读者是一种危害。The President was being given false information.很明显,总统得到的一直都是错误信息。There was an error message at the foot of the page.在页底有一处错误信息。In a statement, the BBC admitted that it had given incorrect information.英国广播公司在一份声明中承认曾经发布了错误信息。 |