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词汇 锐气
例句 The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours.这几支队伍与其邻近地区队伍交手时锐气更盛。Like any actor he can be self-centred but I think I've worked out how to deflate him.跟其他演员一样,他有时也会以自我为中心,但我想自己已经找到了如何挫他锐气的办法。Years in prison did not break Mr Mandela's spirit.多年的牢狱生涯并未挫伤曼德拉先生的锐气A string of defeats has failed to dampen the team's spirits.一连串的失败并没有使队伍丧失锐气Someone should cut that man down to size!应该有人挫挫他的锐气You're getting too big for your boots, we've got to take you down a peg or two.你自视过高了,我们要挫挫你的锐气




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