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词汇 银行家
例句 Don't just blindly follow what the banker says.不要盲从银行家的话。Bankers are keeping a wary eye on the outcome.银行家们对结果保持高度警惕。Although she came from a family of bankers, Franklin set her sights on a career in scientific research.尽管出身于银行家家庭,富兰克林还是决心从事科研事业。Saudi bankers say there's been an upsurge of business confidence since the end of the war.沙特的银行家说战后工商业界信心猛增。The Queen conferred knighthoods on two bankers.女王授于两位银行家爵士爵位。The banker was a tubby, jolly-looking man.银行家是位胖墩墩、乐呵呵的男子。He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation.他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.银行家们害怕会发生一场全球银行业危机。The banker's disappearance mystified the police.银行家的失踪使警方大惑不解。He was until very recently the most powerful banker in the city.到最近为止,他一直都是这个城市最有实力的银行家Are you going to let that old banker walk all over you?你要让那个老银行家盛气凌人地对待你吗?The male exclusivity on such jobs as bankers, etc. has already been broken.对诸如银行家之类职位的男性垄断局面已被打破了。It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。My wife's a banker, but I'm just a scribbler who writes for the newspaper.我的妻子是银行家,而我只是为报纸耍耍笔杆子而已。The suit was faultless: Wood guessed that he was a very successful publisher or a banker.西装无可挑剔:伍德推测他可能是个相当成功的出版商或银行家The bankers underwrote the steel company's bonds.银行家们同意买下该钢铁公司的未认购债券。Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years.银行家与钟表匠已经在伦敦商业区共同存在好几百年了。She studied economics before becoming a banker.她是学经济学的,后来成为了一名银行家The financial crash blackened the image of bankers.金融崩溃破坏了银行家的形象。Bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax legislation.银行家们立即声讨有追溯效力的税收立法。Proposed legislation affecting bankers has been watered down.拟议中会损害银行家利益的法规已经被削弱了。Bankers are perplexed by the sudden rise in inflation.通货膨胀率的突然升高使银行家们迷惑不解。Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector.警察、银行家和卖肉的全被一股脑儿地并在了服务行业里。There's been a lot of banker-bashing lately.最近有很多针对银行家的严厉批评。Timid bankers cut their losses at the first difficulty.胆怯的银行家们一见困难的端倪就撒手退缩。The judge criticized the "outrageous greed" of some of the bankers.法官批评有些银行家“无耻贪婪”。The banker keeps the money tucked safely under his bed.这位银行家为保险起见将钱塞在床下。I bear the banker fellowship.我与那位银行家有交情。The company will hire bankers and lawyers to appraise the terms of the deal.公司将聘请银行家和律师来评估这桩交易的条款。A banker and a government minister were in cahoots over a property deal.一名银行家和一名政府部长在一桩房产交易上相互勾结。The Bank would be managed by a directorate of professional bankers.该银行将由一个职业银行家组成的董事会来管理。Several bankers promoted the new company.好几个银行家联手创立了这个新公司。Chris is so full of artistic temperament you'd never think she was the daughter of a banker.克丽丝极富艺术气质,你根本想不到她是银行家的女儿。Somehow, I just couldn't see him as a banker.我有点儿无法想象他会成为银行家He gets the bankers off their duffs.他使银行家们坐不住了。




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