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词汇 decree
例句 He is to be the new ambassador to Japan by decree of the government.他受政府之命将担任驻日本的新大使。The general will rule by decree until a general election.在大选之前这位将军将通过发布政令管理国家。The decree is nisi and not absolute.本判决不是最后和绝对的。In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups to disband.他于七月发布一项政令,解散所有非法武装。This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.该法令迫使工会推迟罢工。He took his position by decree of the national government.他依照国民政府的政令,就任此职位。He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases.他赞成一项允许法官在一些情况下延迟作出离婚判决的法律条款。He has been governing by emergency decree under the provisions of the constitution.他一直以来按照宪法规定凭借紧急法令施以管理。The President has so far refused to countersign the Prime Minister's desperate decree.总统到目前为止仍然拒绝在首相那条孤注一掷的政令上连署签字。The Emperor issued the decree repealing martial law.皇帝颁布法令取消了军事管制。The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic's internal affairs.议会形容此法令为对共和国内政的干涉。The consent decree required the state to institute certain programs that were not required by federal law.双方同意的判决要求该州制定联邦法律没有要求的若干方案。An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.一份官方法令宣布在首都举行的投票无效。The king dissolved parliament and ruled by decree.国王解散了议会,实行专制统治。In an emergency decree, the government banned all rallies.政府颁布紧急命令,禁止一切集会活动。They were granted a decree absolute by the court.他们得到了法庭立即生效的终审判决。She tried to have the court's decree reversed.她试图让法院撤销裁决。The president issued a decree prohibiting trade unions.总统颁布了禁止成立工会的命令。The decree allowed freedom of movement for all citizens.法令允许所有公民享有行动自由。This last clause is a thinly-veiled threat to those who might choose to ignore the decree.这最后一项条款明显是对那些可能会无视法令之人的威慑。The decree stopped short of a full declaration of independence.这项法令差一点就宣布完全独立了。The President has so far refused to countersign the Prime Minister's desperate decree.到目前为止,总统仍然拒绝在首相孤注一掷的政令上会签。Opponents denounced the decree as undemocratic and unconstitutional.反对派抨击该法令是不民主的、违反宪法的。The soldiers read the people a royal decree. 士兵们给民众宣读王室敕令。The decree put the president in an uncomfortable position.这一判决使总统陷入了尴尬的处境中。He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree.他准备行使其新近获得的权力,发布总统政令以推行改革。The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.俄罗斯联邦已经颁布法令废除政府官员的特权。The President issued a decree making the day a national holiday.总统颁布法令,规定这一天为全国假日。The court granted her a decree of divorce.法庭同意判她离婚。Their marriage was annulled by judicial decree.经法庭判决,他们的婚姻关系解除了。The king issued a decree forbidding all protests.国王颁布法令,禁止所有抗议活动。




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