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Most of the money was in storage in bank vaults.大部分钱存放在银行金库中。She put her jewels in a vault at the bank.她将珠宝放在银行的金库里。He is on trial for accepting kickbacks from business moguls to build his slush fund.他因从商业巨头那里接受大笔贿赂建立自己的黑金库而受审。No other has a key to the vault.再也没有人有开金库的钥匙。How much money is in the company's treasury?公司金库内存有多少钱?The bank robbers trussed up the manager and his staff and locked them in the vault.抢银行的强盗把经理和职员们捆了起来锁进金库。By a subtle device, the thief gained access to the vault.贼用巧妙的手段潜进了金库。The gold recovered so far is being held in a vault at a secret location.到目前为止,找回来的金子都保存在一个秘密地点的金库中。The government's coffers are almost empty.政府的金库几乎空了。She entered the vault with an armed guard.她同一名武装保安一起进入了金库。 |