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词汇 金属
例句 She had a piece of metal embedded deep in her skull.有一块金属深嵌在她的颅骨内。Line four individual metal pudding basins.把四个金属布丁盆摆成一排。The machine presses the metal/plastic into sheets.机器把金属/塑料压成板。He took a swig of brandy from a small metal flask.他从一只小金属扁酒瓶里喝了一大口白兰地。The table-top pivots on two metal pins.那个桌面以两个金属钉为枢轴旋转。A new silicone metal protectant is the answer to many problems in corrosion.一种新型的硅酮金属保护剂可以解决许多腐蚀方面的问题。Painting the metal will deter rust.金属喷漆可以防止生锈。The hot metal contracted as it cooled.金属冷却时收缩。She was beaten with a metal bar.她给金属棍打了。Knox's metal statues are stunning.诺克斯制作的金属塑像很美。The experiment tested how various metals behave under heat and pressure.实验测试了不同金属在高温和高压下的反应。This metal burnishes well.这种金属容易擦亮。Metal loses heat quite quickly.金属散热很快。Light fittings with metal parts should always be earthed.金属部件的照明装置都应该走地线。He smoothed the metal down with a file.他用锉刀锉平了那块金属Every metal has its own resistance to the passage of an electrical current through it.每一种金属在电流通过时都会产生阻力。Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals.黄金保持其原有光泽的时间较其他金属要长得多。Certain chemicals will corrode if left on metal.有些化学品留在金属上会起腐蚀作用。He had painted all the wood with metallic silver paint.他把所有木料都喷上了金属银粉漆。White metal released from the dross flows out of the furnace and is ingoted.从浮渣中释出的白色金属流出熔炉被铸成锭。As it cooled, the metal contracted.金属冷却后收缩了。He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.他从帆布包里拿出一个金属瓶子。The metal felt hot against my palms.我感觉掌心的金属很热。The metal tool clanged when it hit the wall.金属工具击墙时发出铿锵声。She wore a metal splint on one leg.她的一条腿上上了金属夹板。The climbers drove metal spikes into the ice.登山者把金属长钉钉进了冰里。Tungsten is the most refractory of metals.钨是最难熔的金属The metal can then be painted in the usual way.这种金属随后可按惯常方式上漆。All metals are corrodible under the proper circumstances.所有金属在适当情况下都是可腐蚀的。The harsh, metallic sound jarred on her.刺耳的金属声音让她心烦意乱。The truck has a large metal grille at the front.卡车前部有一个巨大的金属护栅。Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.木构架和金属底盘都没有采取防腐措施。Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.发黄的收据被穿在一根金属扦上。We invested in gold, secure in the knowledge that the metal would retain its value.我们投资了黄金,确信这种金属会保值。The metal was submitted to analysis.对该金属进行了分析。The metal has been eaten away by rust.这块金属已经锈蚀了。Many of the metals used in nuclear technology are pyrophoric.核技术上所用的许多金属都是发火的。Having metal detectors in schools is a sign of the times.学校里配备金属探测器是时下流行的做法。Our new car is metallic blue.我们新车的颜色是带有金属质感的蓝色。The car skidded and we could hear the crunch of metal against metal.汽车打滑了,我们听到了金属相碰的嘎吱声。




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