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词汇 重重地
例句 He slipped on the ice and went down heavily.他在冰上滑了一下,重重地摔了一跤。She stomped up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door.她噔噔噔地上了楼,重重地关上了卧室的门。He placed one hand heavily on a fragile, wobbling table.他把一只手重重地放在一张摇摇晃晃的桌上。She leaned heavily on the table.重重地斜靠在桌子上。His attacker had punched him hard in the face.袭击他的人用拳头重重地打在他的脸上。He fell heavily and broke his leg.重重地摔了一跤,腿骨折了。She passed out and slumped to the floor.她昏了过去,重重地倒在地板上。The books fell plump.重重地掉了下来。He banged his fist loudly on the table.他的拳头重重地砸在桌上。She fainted and slumped to the floor.她晕了过去,重重地摔倒在地上。He plonked the bottle on the table.他把瓶子重重地放在桌子上。He fell against me so heavily I thought he was going to flatten me.重重地摔在我身上,我以为他会把我压扁了呢。May seized the broom and brought it down with a tremendous whack upon David's back.玫抓起扫把,重重地打在大卫的背上。He tipped his head to one side and sighed dramatically.他把头一歪,重重地叹了口气。The horse stamped on the ground.重重地在地上一跺脚。Eddie climbed into the driver's seat and slammed the door.埃迪爬进驾驶席,重重地关上车门。The oar struck against something hard.重重地砸在了一件硬东西上。She broke her ankle when she had a nasty trip on the stairs.她在楼梯上重重地绊了一跤,把脚踝摔断了。She caught him with a hard blow on the chin.重重地打中了他的下巴。She thumped her hand on the witness box.她抬手重重地砸在证人席上。He thrust his fist forward and smashed her face.他伸出拳头,重重地打在她的脸上。He fell with a flop on the bed.重重地倒在床上。She placed her hands flush against the door and pushed with all her might.她双手重重地贴在门上,然后用尽全力去推。She fell heavily, striking her head against the side of the boat.重重地摔了一跤,头撞在船舷上。You've had a nasty crack on the head and you need to rest.你的脑袋重重地磕了一下,你需要休息。The rain battered against the windows.雨点重重地打在窗户上。Grandma had a bad fall in the snow that winter.那年冬天祖母在雪地里重重地摔了一跤。He took a bad fall and knocked himself out. When he came to , he didn't remember what had happened.重重地摔了一跤,晕了过去。醒过来时,他已不记得发生了什么事。He fell and smashed his head on the pavement.他摔倒了,头重重地磕在人行道上。She plunked a mug of coffee on the counter.她把一大杯咖啡重重地放在柜台上。Iwhacked my knee getting out of the car.我从车里出来时重重地撞了一下膝盖。Thomas banged his fist on the table.托马斯的拳头重重地砸在桌子上。He thumped his cup down on the table.他把茶杯重重地放在桌子上。He sat down heavily.重重地坐了下来。She fell to the floor with a thump.重重地摔倒在地板上。He scrawled these lines, emphasizing each downstroke.他涂了这几行字,重重地写下每一撇。The Georgia man whacked his fist on the bar.那名佐治亚州男子的拳头重重地砸在柜台上。He stomped on the bug.重重地踩虫子。She fell and landed heavily on her back.她摔了下去,仰面重重地落在地上。He put the glass down hard and beer sloshed over the edge.重重地把杯子放下,啤酒从杯沿溅了出来。




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