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词汇 里边
例句 It had the maker's name on a small cloth tab inside.衣服里边有一条标明成衣商姓氏的小布襻。There was a vase of flowers in the window.窗户里边摆着一瓶花。He buttoned the flower inside his jacket next his heart.他把花紧贴胸部,扣在上衣里边The inside of this apple is quite rotten.这只苹果里边全烂了。A log in the fire broke, sending out a shower of sparks.里边有根木头崩裂了,火星四溅。Someone broke in and turned the place over.有人破门而入,偷了里边的东西。His refusal to give you the job doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get it. There are wheels within wheels.他不给你这工作并不一定意味著你得不到这工作。这里边有奥秘在。The parking lot was crowded, and he was boxed in.停车场很拥挤,他被困在里边出不来。Come on inside. Take a look around.里边来。四处看看。He lay rather than sat in his armchair.与其说他是坐在扶手椅里不如说是躺在里边The box squats at the back of the room.箱子放在房间靠里边的地上。Once a cartridge has had a lot of use the inside gets gunged up with debris.弹药桶使用久了里边就会粘上一层碎片。She parted the branches with her hands as she moved further into the forest.她双手拨开树枝,往森林里边走。They drank champagne as they watched the game from the executive box.他们在行政领导包厢里边喝香槟边看比赛。The church was airy and light inside.教堂里边宽敞明亮。Shaking the bag makes the sugar settle slightly.晃动袋子会使里边的糖稍许装紧一些。You can hear the missing screw rattling around inside.可以听到脱落的螺母在里边哐啷哐啷响。They had poured fuel through the door of the flat and had then set light to it.他们隔着公寓门往里边倒汽油,然后点着了火。I paid for a monthly locker, and rammed in two bags of clothes.我租了一个按月收费的存物柜,把两包衣服塞里边了。




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