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词汇 in business
例句 The Australian team will be seated in business class.澳大利亚队将被安排乘坐商务舱。Many companies are seeing an upturn in business.许多公司生意正在好转。When all is said and done, in business, profit is the name of the game.归根结底,盈利才是商业活动的根本。He dabbled in business.他搞过一点生意。A formal tone is always used in business correspondence.在商务信函中总是使用正式语气。A survey of recent corporate layoffs reveals a new trend in business management.对最近公司裁员的一项调查揭示了企业管理的新趋势。Success in business depends on skilful management.企业的成功有赖于有技巧的管理。She was intent on pursuing a career in business.她决意要在商界谋求一职。The company must meet certain conditions set by the government in order to stay in business.这家公司必须符合政府设定的某些条件才能继续营业。His first year in business was so successful that John could afford to buy a delivery van with the proceeds.约翰开业后的第一年里就取得很大成功,收入足以使他买一辆货车了。No one can succeed in business without taking certain risks.不冒些风险,没有人能在商业上取得成功。They were both darkly dressed in business suits. 他们两个都穿着深色公务西装。He is a hard man in business.他是个精明的生意人。The building society's growth in business was due to carpetbaggers, who opened savings accounts.建房互助会的业务增长是因为投机客开立了储蓄账户。She has a degree in business administration.她有企业管理学位。To be successful in business, you must keep in touch with the market.要做好生意,就必须时刻关注市场。The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.专利使用费让这位发明家得以再次立足于商界。The Australian team will be seated in business class.澳大利亚队将乘坐商务舱。It seems anyone who's anyone in business is going to the conference.似乎商界所有重要人物都将参加那个会议。The country is enjoying the biggest increase in business confidence for years.该国目前的商业信心指数上升幅度是数年来最大的。Customer satisfaction is important if you want to stay in business.如果你想在生意场上生存下去,顾客的满意非常重要。The weekly market is back in business after its winter break.每周的集市在冬天的暂停后又恢复正常。Once we get the computer installed we'll be in business.电脑一安装好我们就可以开始了。She was taking a diploma in business management.她正在修企业管理学位课程。There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses in favor of highly specialized training for high-paying careers, mostly in business.文科课程的报名人数有所下降,而以商业为主、针对高薪职业的高度专业化培训课程则越来越受欢迎。If she were involved in business, she would make a strong chief executive.如果她投身商业的话,她会是一个很有能力的总裁。You make your own luck in business.商机是自己创造出来的。A definite lag came in business and industry.工商业出现了明显的衰退。He established his son in business.他使儿子立足于商界。The Enterprise Center runs courses for people who want to set up in business on their own.创业中心为希望自己创业的人举办培训课程。On the course you will develop skills in business management.修读这门课程可以培养企业管理方面的技巧。The jump in business confidence has been mirrored by the increase in employment.就业人数的增加反映出商业信心的大大增强。Along with being an expert in business law, Martin is a voracious reader of detective stories.马丁是个商业法专家,此外也是个侦探小说迷。When I qualified I set up in business as a financial consultant.我取得资格之后开办了一家金融咨询公司。You can't stay in business without cash.没有现金,你无法运营。I'm only in business to profit yours truly.我做生意只为使本人得利。This subsidiary company may pull even with its parent company in business.这家子公司的营业可能会与其母公司并驾齐驱。If you want to start up in business, then now is the time.如果你想创业,那么现在正是时候。You need to be more assertive to succeed in business.要在商界取得成功,你需要更为果断自信。More women are going it alone in business.更多的女性在独自做生意。




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