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词汇 decisions
例句 It never occurs to them to question the doctor's decisions.他们从未想过要怀疑医生的决定。Their decisions were based on financial information gleaned from the Internet.他们一点点收集了因特网上的财经信息并据此作出了决定。The chairman has the power of veto on all decisions.主席对所有决定都拥有否决权。The panel's decisions are secret and not binding on the government.专家小组的决定是秘密的,对政府不具有约束力。No other equations should enter into his decisions.其他因素都不应当影响他的决定。Let your child make some of the small decisions concerning his daily routine. For instance, allow him to choose what clothes he wears at the weekend.让孩子在日常生活中作一些小决定。比如,让他自己决定周末穿什么衣服。He has never flinched from harsh financial decisions.他从不回避棘手的财政决策。He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments.他利用自己管辖范围广泛的行政权力废止地方政府所作的决定。I know I'm oversimplifying, but these are the values on which I try to base my decisions.我知道我是把问题太简单化了,但是这些观念是我作决定的基础。Making such decisions is not the sole prerogative of managers.作这类决定并不是管理者的专有特权。The boss was angry that staff were second-guessing his decisions.老板对员工事后批评他的决策感到很生气。Tough decisions will have to be made.必须作出艰难的决定。Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions.不管他正确与否,我们都得服从他的决定。It's no good just making a few quick easy decisions.仅仅作几个简单省事的决定是没有用的。Our decisions are made on the basis of the available information. 我们是根据手头上的信息做出的判断。The Council had influence over many government decisions.政务委员会对政府的许多决策都有影响。John, I'm sorry for Steve, but I think you've made the right decisions.约翰,我为史蒂夫感到难过,但是我想你的决定是正确的。The chairman wields considerable influence over the board's decisions.董事长对董事会的决定有相当大的影响力。He's not afraid of making decisions and is a man who never sits on the fence.他不怕拍板,从不作骑墙派。They gave him carte blanche to make decisions.他们授权他全权决定。As managing director, he will be able to override their decisions.作为总经理,他将能否决他们的决定。I will not hesitate to take unpopular decisions.我会毫不犹豫地作出并不受欢迎的决定。It is not for us to query his decisions.质疑他的决定不是我们的事。Several unpopular decisions diminished the governor's popularity.几个不得人心的决定降低了州长的声望。I had to pay the penalty for the wrong decisions I made.我作了错误的决定只好自食苦果。Her position in the company means that she is responsible for major financial decisions.她在公司的职务使她负责重大的财务决定。The amount of financial aid offered has become more central to students’ decisions about which school to attend.所提供的经济帮助的多少越来越成为学生决定上哪所学校的关键因素。We will have to analyze the results of the survey before making any decisions.我们在分析调查结果后才能作出决定。Making quick decisions is not one of my greatest gifts.快速决断并不是我的长项。In general, women manage the day-to-day finances but leave most longer-term decisions to men.通常,妇女管理日常财务,而把大多数较长期的决策交给男人。The intent of the change was to give local officials more power to make decisions.这一改革的目的是要给地方官员更多的决策权。I don't like relying on the judges' decisions.我不认为应该依赖评委的决定。The government faces some difficult decisions in the months which lie ahead.政府在未来的几个月内要面临一些艰难的抉择。Matt defended all of Clarence's decisions, right or wrong.克拉伦斯的决定,不管对错,马特都予以维护。The judge's decisions are a mockery of real justice. 这位法官的判决极不公正。Think long and hard before you make any important decisions.在你作出重要决定之前要深思熟虑。The decisions were taken by the party leadership without consulting the grass roots.这些决定是党的领导层未与基层党员协商就作出的。Politicians need to leave day-to-day decisions to commanders in the field.政治家需将日常决策权交给战地指挥官。He says his decisions that day were instinctual.他说那天是凭本能作出的决定。She has a natural instinct for making the right decisions in her job.她有在职场上做出正确决策的天生禀赋。




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