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词汇 严重的
例句 They have played dreadful havoc with the wildlife by shooting and trapping.他们射杀并诱捕野生动物,造成了严重的破坏。He suffers terribly with migraines.他患有严重的偏头痛。There's been a nasty flu bug going around.现在爆发了严重的流感。The heavy frosts had ended hopes of a good harvest that year.那年严重的霜冻打破了人们丰收的希望。A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family's finances.一次严重的意外事故可能会突然给家庭经济情况带来很大的影响。Exposure to rubella during pregnancy can cause serious harm to an unborn baby.怀孕时接触风疹可能会给未出生的婴儿带来严重的危害。He realized that he had made a horrible mistake.他意识到自己犯了个严重的错误。I had severe food poisoning.我出现了严重的食物中毒。The government's attempts to quell serious popular unrest led to civil war.政府试图镇压严重的民众骚乱,结果引发了内战。The shortage of skilled labour is often a serious industrial bottleneck.熟练工人的短缺常是严重的产业障碍。Air quality is a serious business. 空气质量是一个很严重的问题。I have terrible sleeping problems.我有严重的睡眠问题。The manager has already made some serious errors of judgment and it is clear that other employees scent blood.经理已经犯了一些严重的判断错误,很明显其他员工已经嗅到了血腥味。If the stalemate drags on, there could be serious consequences for the town's population.如果这样僵持下去,可能会给镇上居民带来严重的后果。I suffer badly from cold sores and dread them appearing on my wedding day.我得了严重的唇疱疹,生怕在婚礼那天发作。We've been experiencing some major-league problems. 我们遇到了一些严重的问题。Even the smallest diplomatic incident can trigger a major international conflict.即使是微不足道的外交事件也能引发严重的国际冲突。He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming.他两年前遇到严重的车祸,不得不放弃务农。He suffers from severe migraine.他患有严重的偏头痛。In my opinion, appointing his son as chief executive was a serious error of judgment.据我看来,任命他儿子当总裁是个严重的判断错误。British business is now experiencing a severe recession.英国商业现在正经历严重的衰退。Any talk of price rises now will only aggravate an already serious situation.现在谈论物价上涨只会给已经严重的局面火上浇油。Let us turn to less weighty matters.让我们换个话题谈谈不那么严重的事情吧。The economic disparity between the area's black and white citizens is a serious problem.该地区黑人与白人居民之间的经济差距是个严重的问题。The dispute has loosed a flood of political ill will.这场争论引发了党派间严重的敌对情绪。After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.一次严重的心脏病发作之后,他被缚在一张床上,全身插满了导管。Yates is struggling to recover from a serious knee injury.耶茨竭力想从严重的膝伤中康复过来。A wrong decision could have serious ramifications.一个错误的决定可能产生严重的后果。Withdrawal from heroin is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.戒断海洛因的过程实际上就像患了一场严重的胃肠型流感。It takes a serious crisis to wake people up.一场严重的危机才能唤起人们的关注。I am on medication for a serious allergy.我正用药物治疗严重的过敏。The government is wrestling with difficult economic problems.政府正在努力应对严重的经济问题。Ashton left the ring with a nasty cut to the right eye.阿什顿下场时,右眼带有一个严重的伤口。Possession of an unregistered firearm is a serious offense.拥有未经登记的枪械是严重的违法行为。I developed serious arthritic symptoms and chronic sinusitis.我得了严重的关节炎和慢性鼻窦炎。Serious complications have delayed his release from hospital.各种严重的并发症延迟了他的出院。He expressed grave doubts about the wisdom of the move.他对这一行动是否明智表示严重的怀疑。Some scientists believe that stem cells will make it possible to treat serious diseases.有些科学家认为干细胞使治疗很多严重的疾病成为可能。The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots.法庭审理这起警官案件作出的初审判决引起了严重的暴乱。He was born with a serious heart condition.他患有严重的先天性心脏病。




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