例句 |
What do you see out/down/up/in there?你在那外面/那下面/那上面/那里面看到什么了?You need a bit of cold water in there to make it comfortable. Not too cold, mind.你需要在那里面加点凉水,这样就会舒服些。注意不要太凉。Phil's in there, having a gossip with Maggie.菲尔在那里面跟玛吉闲聊。Tell whoever is in there that he had better come out.不管谁在那里面,告诉他最好出来。Sorry, you can't go in there.抱歉,你不能到那里面去。It was very quiet in there: you could barely hear a sound.那里面很安静,几乎听不到任何声响。There isn't an atom of truth in it.那里面没有丝毫的真实性。It was stifling in there; I was glad to get out.那里面很闷热,我很高兴出来走走。 |