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词汇 那辆车
例句 Did you take down the car's license number?你记下那辆车的车牌号了吗?We got the car for nothing because the woman wanted to get rid of it fast.我们几乎不花什么钱就买到了那辆车,因为那个女人急于脱手。The car needs a respray.那辆车需要重新喷漆。The car is in perfect condition.那辆车状况极佳。The car pulled out of the driveway.那辆车驶离了私人车道。Look at those men in that car. What on earth are they doing?你看那辆车上的那些男人。 他们究竟在干些什么?His last car was a piece of junk. 他之前的那辆车一文不值。I wouldn't give him one red cent for that car.那辆车白送我都不要。The car he met me in was a death trap.他和我见面时开的那辆车极不安全。He sold the car for scrap.他把那辆车当作废品卖了。The car can only take five people.那辆车只能坐五个人。The car was loaded with supplies for the trip.那辆车上装满了旅行的必需品。The car was abandoned in a field, and there it stayed until police towed it back.那辆车被遗弃在田地里,直到警方将它拖回来。Watch out! You nearly hit that car.当心!你差点撞到那辆车The car crashed into a bridge abutment.那辆车撞上了桥台。The car in front was just tootling along through the beautiful scenery.前面那辆车在美景中悠然自得地向前开着。That's one fancy car you've got there.那辆车真漂亮。I would not pay one red cent for that car. 我不会为那辆车花一分钱。The vehicle easily maneuvered through rocky terrain.那辆车轻松地开过了多石地带。The car came out of nowhere!那辆车不知从什么地方冒了出来!The enraged crowd stoned the car, then set it on fire.愤怒的人群向那辆车扔石头,然后放火烧它。The car vanished around a curve.那辆车拐了个弯,消失了。After a lot of questioning, James finally admitted he had taken the car.经过一再盘问,詹姆斯终于承认他开走了那辆车He intends to buy that car no matter how much it costs.不管花多少钱他都打算买下那辆车I honked at the car in front of me.我冲着前面的那辆车鸣喇叭。The car eased out into traffic.那辆车缓慢地驶入了车流。He had the presence of mind to write down the license plate number of the car.他镇定地写下了那辆车的车牌号。The car in front of us is on tow - that's why we're going so slowly.我们前面的那辆车是被拖着走的——所以我们的车开得这么慢。When I pulled out of the space, I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me.我把车从车位开出来时,蹭到了前面那辆车的后保险杠。Police have now identified the man who they believe stole the car.警方现在确认这名男子就是他们认为偷走那辆车的人。Three people in the oncoming car were also hurt.迎面而来的那辆车里的三个人也受了伤。The robbers riddled the car with bullets.劫匪们用枪把那辆车打成了筛子。We all packed into the car.我们都挤进了那辆车We want to buy the car, but we simply can't afford it.我们想买那辆车,但就是负担不起。As I turned the corner the sun blinded me, so I didn't see the other car.转弯时阳光太晃眼,所以我没有看见另外那辆车The old man babied that car like a newborn.那老人像照顾刚出生的宝宝一样精心呵护着那辆车The driver of the car was arrested for reckless driving.那辆车的司机因鲁莽驾驶而被捕。The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped.由于路面有坡度,那辆车的冲力越来越大。The car was sandwiched in between two trucks.那辆车被两辆卡车夹在当中。The car behind was hooting impatiently.后面那辆车不耐烦地鸣着喇叭。




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