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例句 Choose which style you like best.选择你最喜欢的那种风格。Nelson Garage has the used car you're after.纳尔逊汽车修理厂有你要找的那种二手车。Are you one of those who bleed over street urchins?你是那种同情街上顽童的人吗?That particular type of image has been done to death by advertisers recently.那种图像近来被广告制作人重复使用,令人厌烦。If you go into the job with that attitude, you won't last long.如果你用那种态度去工作,是干不长久的。It is unhygienic to store raw meat at that temperature.那种温度下存放生肉是不卫生的。I have a high regard for the kind of electricity she brought to a programme.我很赞赏她给一台节目带来的那种强烈的感染力。There's plenty more where that came from.那种东西在原产地还有好多呢。He began to comfort me with such unaccustomed gentleness.他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。His method of obtaining a high level of productivity is demanding.那种提高生产率的方法实施起来非常困难。Don't expect young children to be as enchanted with the scenery as you are.不要指望小孩子们像你一样为那种景色所陶醉。The music was a fine background to dinner.听着那种柔和的音乐进餐使人很愉快。She impressed everyone with her businesslike manner.那种务实的态度给大家留下了深刻的印象。The mood of misery never altogether lifted.那种悲苦的情绪始终没有消散殆尽。It's one of those annoyingly right-on magazines about the environment.这是那种对环境问题关注得让人反感的杂志之一。He was a typical product of his generation and background.他是他那一代人和他那种背景的典型产物。That temper of hers will get her into trouble one of these days.那种脾气早晚会让她惹麻烦的。He was rather a namby-pamby sort of young man.他是那种性格相当软弱的青年人。Things of that nature do not interest me.我对那种事物不感兴趣。It's not the sort of film that stimulates the grey matter much.这部片子不是那种发人深思的电影。In a scary situation like that you need someone with plenty of nerve.那种可怕的情况下,你需要的是有胆量的人。The disease left him crippled.那种病使他残疾了。Don't be so patronizing with me.别对我采取那种优越屈尊的态度。That peace often looked like a brief truce before the next plunge into war.那种和平看起来常常像是再次陷入战争前的短暂休战。I can't bear it if/when people behave like that!我容忍不了人们的那种举动!That was a horrible thing to say!那种话真是可恶!She was the kind of person who brought sunshine into people's lives.她是那种把快乐带给人们的人。Someone with her experience would be wasted in a job like that.有她那样经验的人干那种工作是一种浪费。It's one of those films where you don't know until the last moment who are the goodies and who are the baddies.这部电影属于那种你得看到最后才知道谁是好人谁是坏蛋的片子。He has never exhibited the self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor.他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信。Even Green's rivals say they will miss his instinctive feel for the industry.连格林的竞争对手都说,会怀念他对这一行的那种直觉。I don't like that superior, sneering tone of his.我不喜欢他那种高高在上、连讥带讽的语气。It's the kind of furniture that would go well in any room.这是那种摆在任何房间里都合适的家具。That item is out of stock, but we'll give you a voucher for 10 percent off any other item in the store.那种商品已售罄,但我们会给你一张优惠券,购买店里的其他任何商品可享受九折优惠。They recognized the odor at once.他们立刻识别出了那种气味。In spite of their grandeur, the Cromptons were not ones to spend lots of money.尽管拥有显赫的地位,克朗普顿一家却不是那种挥霍钱财的人。Minorca is the sort of place that caters for families.梅诺卡岛是那种适合家庭旅游的地方。Many technical experts at the time had doubts about the technology.当时,许多技术专家对那种工艺抱有疑问。This is the type of flood dreaded by cavers.这正是洞穴探险者害怕的那种洪水。Val's not the kind of person who would drink and drive.瓦尔可不是那种会酒后驾车的人。




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