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词汇 那栋
例句 The group has obtained an injunction to prevent the demolition of the building.这个组织已经收到了禁制令,不准拆除那栋建筑。The price of the house we like is out of sight.我们喜欢的那栋房子的价格超出了我们的支付能力。I wonder how they could afford that house.我好奇他们怎么能买得起那栋房子。The closer building looks larger than the farther one, but it's just an optical illusion. The two buildings are actually the same size.近处这栋楼看上去比远处那栋高大,其实这只是视错觉。这两栋楼实际上大小一样。The hostages' ordeal came to an end when soldiers stormed the building.士兵们突袭那栋大楼后,人质们的苦难终于结束了。That horrible building lowers the whole tone of the neighborhood.那栋难看的建筑物降低了周围的整体格调。They are revamping the old house.他们正在翻新那栋老房子。The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church.原来,他租住的那栋建筑是一座教堂。That house would cost all the money he had and then some.那栋房屋要花费他所有的钱,而且还不够。We need only look at the building to see how much money it will take to repair.我们只要看一下那栋楼,看看要花多少钱修理。The building was/lay in ruins.那栋建筑变成了废墟。That old house has always intrigued me.那栋老房子总能激起我的好奇心。I'd like to make an appointment to view the house on Clement Street that's for sale.我想预约看克莱门街出售的那栋房子。The cost of the office building was astronomical.那栋办公大楼的造价是天文数字。The parking lot is right in front/back of the building.停车场就在那栋楼的前面/后面。She was pulled from the rubble of the building.她被人从那栋楼的废墟里拉了出来。He ran out of the house like a bat out of hell.他飞速地从那栋房子跑出来。The building is showing signs of age.那栋建筑日渐显出老化迹象。They were filled with apprehension as they approached the building.他们走近那栋建筑时,内心充满了恐惧。Lightning set the building ablaze.闪电导致那栋建筑着火了。The condemned building was torn down.那栋危楼被拆除了。The house is an ugly duckling, but it has a lot of potential.那栋房子现在是个丑小鸭,但未来升值潜力很大。She said it was the very last house on the road.她说就是路尽头那栋房子。The wreckers pulled down the building.拆房工人拆除了那栋建筑。He showed us around the house while talking nineteen to the dozen. 他一边带我们参观那栋房子,一边滔滔不绝地说着话。The soldiers moved swiftly in a body towards the building.全体士兵迅速前往那栋建筑物。He is barred by court order from entering the building.法院有令,禁止他进入那栋大楼。That house is ugly.那栋房子外观不好看。The house was large and full of art treasures.那栋房子很大,摆满了艺术珍品。Theirs is that little house with the big tree outside.他们的家是那栋屋外有棵大树的小屋。You'll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.你要是买那栋房子只会买来麻烦,我说的都是真的。They're planning to rehab that old building.他们正计划修缮那栋旧楼。The six of them moved in a body into the dim, musty-smelling building.他们六个人一起搬进了那栋昏暗并散发着霉味的建筑。She drew the building from several different perspectives.她从几个不同的视角描绘了那栋建筑。He used to live for a time in the house next to ours.他一度住在我们隔壁的那栋房子里。The house stood by itself at the end of the street.那栋房子孤零零地立在街尾。There was a heap of stones where the building used to be.那栋建筑物的旧址上有一堆石头。Grotesque faces are carved over the doorway of the old building.那栋古老建筑的门廊上雕刻了奇形怪状的脸。He was near to panic as he scrambled out of the building.他爬出那栋大楼的时候近乎惶恐。If we could have that house, our dreams would be fulfilled.要是我们能有那栋房子,我们的梦想就能实现了。




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