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The Indians, in turn, were charmed by the famous author's cultured and civilised outlook.而印第安人呢,则为那位著名作家有教养的、开化的见解而折服。Detectives have so far failed to trace the missing woman.侦探们到目前为止还没追查到那位失踪妇女的下落。The Senator went home from the capital to do some fence-mending.那位参议员从首都回到家乡,进行一些巩固政治地位的活动。The Professor lavished his learning on the young visitor but gained little gratitude for his pains.教授将自己的学识倾囊传授给那位年轻访客,到头来却没有获得一点感激。This young politician is the minister's protégé.这个年轻的政治家是那位部长的门生。The champion led with a left to the body, followed up quickly with a right to the jaw.那位冠军先朝着对方身体出左拳,紧接着右手迅速朝对方的下巴一击。The actress avoids ostentation. She owns a small house and drives an inexpensive car.那位女演员不愿意炫耀。她住的是小房子,开的是经济型轿车。The government officer committed an impeachable offence.那位政府官员犯了可能招致弹劾的罪行。This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.这幅壁画典型地体现了那位画家早期的风格。A man with a gun ordered the woman to give him all her money.一名持枪男子命令那位妇女把所有的钱都给他。The woman had a ring on her finger, so I assumed she was married.那位女士手指上戴着戒指,我猜想她已经结婚了。The distinguished professor has had many disciples over the years.近几年中那位杰出的教授赢得了许多人的崇奉。The preacher's sermon was full of fire and brimstone.那位牧师的布道词里满是死后下地狱受永恒煎熬的言辞。The sensuality of the woman's face was emphasized by her off-the-shoulder dress.那位女子的脸,在她露肩礼服的衬托之下,显得更加性感了。The actor walked by, not even deigning to acknowledge his fans.那位演员大步前行,甚至不屑跟他的粉丝们打个招呼。He's flipped his lid over that new actress.他迷上了那位新的女演员。Whatever happened to that artist friend of yours?你那位艺术家朋友到底出了什么事?The saint appeared to him in a vision while he was at prayer.他祷告的时候,那位圣人在异象中向他显现。There are clear signs that the governor is geared up for a second attempt at the White House.有明显的迹象表明那位州长已准备好要再次进军白宫。The senator's constituency includes a large minority population.那位参议员所在的选区中选民包括大量少数族裔。After having fallen out with his son, the solitary old man slogged along on his way home.在与儿子争吵之后,那位孤独的老人步履维艰地走路回家。This is the gentleman whom I mentioned a moment ago.这是我刚才提到过的那位绅士。He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes.他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。That salesman works the southern region.那位推销员在南方地区从事推销。A plainclothes police officer escorted the surprised Frenchman out of the building.一位便衣警察护送那位惊讶的法国人走出大楼。That singing star is really cool.那位歌星实在很酷。The psychologist explained my problem in homely terms.那位心理学家用浅显的词语解释了我的问题。The goalkeeper did not have to do anything out of the ordinary to keep his side in the game.比赛中,那位守门员用不着花太大的力气来防守。The explorer was killed by barbaric people.那位探险家被野蛮人杀死。When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony.那位父亲今天出庭作证时,驳斥了自己儿子的证词。At that point, the professor got up and left the room.就在那时,那位教授站起身来,离开了房间。Look at Lady Muck over there, expecting everyone to wait on her!瞧那边那位自命不凡的女人,她想让大家都围着她转。The man in the passenger seat seemed to be asleep.乘客座上的那位男子似乎睡着了。The dentist had her assistant sterilise the instruments.那位牙医请助手给器械消毒。Students liked the teacher's down-to-earth approach.学生们喜欢那位老师实事求是的态度。The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure.那位医生献身于探索一种疗法。The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her.那位女演员喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。They thought the teacher was beyond suspicion.他们认为那位老师没有嫌疑。The old man sat on his porch bundled up in old sweaters and scarves.那位老汉坐在门廊里,穿着旧毛衣,戴着围巾。The tourist had a foreign accent.那位游客说话带外国口音。 |