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Somehow or other that man always comes to anchor in a bar.不知怎么地,那人老是泡在酒吧里。The man was asking, grammar wavering.那人在语无伦次地发问。The man rushed out and dumped him.那人冲到外面把他打倒在地。The man tucked up his trousers for wading.那人卷起裤子,准备涉水。One could only gasp at the sheer effrontery of the man.那人十足的厚颜无耻让人们吃惊得无话可说。The wrong man was arrested in error.那人是被误抓的。Though the police could not find enough evidence, the man remained under a cloud for several weeks.虽然警方找不到足够的证据,那人还是被怀疑了几个星期。They got to the man as quickly as they could, on the off chance that he was still alive, but he was not.他们尽快赶到那人身边,希望他仍然活着,可是他已经死了。He threatened to slash the man's throat.他威胁要割破那人的喉咙。That man is an animal!那人是畜牲!That inhospitable man never offers visitors any refreshments.那人不好客,从不拿点心招待来访者。Costello later apologized, saying he'd been annoyed by the man.科斯特洛后来表示了歉意,说他是被那人惹怒的。The man came over and tried to chat me up.那人走过来试图同我搭讪。She'd been so deep in thought, she hadn't heard the man open the dining room door.她深深地陷入沉思中,没有听见那人打开了饭厅的门。We'll never get through that crowd of people; they're packed in there cheek by jowl.我们将无法从那人群中穿过去,他们那里挤得水泄不通。The concurrence of all three judges was that the man was guilty.这三位法官都一致认为那人是有罪的。Finally, the doctor declared that the man was dead.最后,医生宣布那人已经死亡。The man just stood there grinning inscrutably.那人就站在那儿咧着嘴莫名其妙地笑着。He shook himself loose from the man's grasp.他扭动身子从那人手中挣脱出来。The man walked with difficulty.那人行走时步履艰难。A man pinched her bum on the train so she hit him.在火车上有个男子捏她屁股,她打了那人。I only saw the man for a split second as he ran past.我只是在那人跑过的时候瞥到了他一眼。If that man gets under my feet again, I'll kick him.那人要再来阻碍我,我就不客气了。That man has never heard of you.那人从来没听说过你。The man on the phone wasn't very helpful, so I asked to speak with the manager.电话里的那人不太肯帮忙,所以我要求找经理谈。The man signalled for me to gather the children together.那人示意让我将孩子们召集起来。The man is full of go; he often stays up late.那人精力充沛;他常熬夜。Firefighters dragged the man to safety.消防员们把那人拖到了安全地带。The man was given a conditional discharge for two years.那人被给予两年假释。She averted her eyes from the figure on the bed.她把目光从床上那人身上移开来。It came to Blake in a flash that the man was really a detective.布莱克突然想到那人实际上是个侦探。That guy is a slippery character.那人是一个狡猾的家伙。The man pulled a gun, and two of the women near me started screaming.那人拔出一把枪,我身边的两个女人就尖叫了起来。He was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him.他正要驶离车流超前面那人的车。The man was stopped by police for an alleged driving offence.那人因为涉嫌违章驾驶被警察拦截。He attacked the man with a broken bottle.他用一个破酒瓶袭击了那人。Before I realised what was happening, the man had grabbed my bag and run off with it.我还没明白是怎么回事,那人已经抢了我的包跑掉了。I started out across the fields and backtracked the man.我越过田野追踪那人。That man's the limit.那人真叫人无法容忍。Peter took out his wallet and showed his ID to the man.彼得掏出钱包向那人出示他的身份证件。 |