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词汇 那个时候
例句 In those days, people believed that divorce was morally wrong, but this now seems very old-fashioned.那个时候,人们认为离婚是有违道德的,但现在这种想法似乎很过时了。By now the war was all but over.那个时候,战争即将结束。We plan to do the repairs in winter, when we have the fewest visitors.我们打算在冬天整修,那个时候客人最少。He picked a fine time to leave us.那个时候扔下我们走了,他可真是会挑时间。We waited for him till then.我们等他等到那个时候At that time, the US was on the verge of extricating itself from the unpopular war.那个时候,美国正要摆脱这场得不到支持的战争。At that time, the beaches in South Africa were segregated.那个时候,南非的海滩实行了隔离制度。They're sending out the results next week, so we won't know anything until then.他们要在下个星期寄出结果,所以我们要到那个时候才会知道。At that hour, the hotel bar was the only game in town.那个时候,旅馆里的酒吧是唯一营业的地方。We were silly, immature teenagers, and we didn't know any better.我们那个时候还是愚蠢幼稚的孩子,不知道天高地厚。His parents got divorced last year - that's when he started to take drugs.他父母去年离婚了—他就是那个时候开始吸毒的。In those days, he was very dependent on Connie and wouldn't do anything without first consulting her.那个时候,他非常依赖康妮,做什么事都先要问问她。The dog was being disobedient.这条狗那个时候故意调皮。Trade union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.那个时候的工会领导与其说是一份职业,倒不如说是一种使命。At that precise moment, someone came round the corner.恰恰在那个时候,有人从拐角处走了过来。I look back at/on that time with a lot of pride. 我想起那个时候就感到非常骄傲。In those days, long-distance travel was slow and arduous.那个时候,长途旅行又慢又费力。Only rich people were able to travel abroad in those days.那个时候只有富人才能出国旅游。If only he had not chosen that moment to walk into the room.要是他没有挑那个时候走进房间就好了。It was a better community then when all the pits were working.所有的煤矿都在开工的那个时候,这个社区的情况要更好一些。Back then I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.那个时候,我一口气能吃下三四个汉堡和一大堆炸薯条。At that point our troops were too weak to hold them off.我军在那个时候很弱,抵挡不住他们。We should get there before then.我们应该赶在那个时候之前到达那里。There were many Russian emigres living in Paris at that time.那个时候有许多俄国流亡者生活在巴黎。By that time I was becoming disenchanted with the whole idea.那个时候,我对那一整个想法不再迷恋了。Back then, women on TV were mostly seen as eye candy.那个时候,电视里的女人大多被看做是花瓶。There's nothing on next Friday - we could have the meeting then.下周五没什么安排——我们可以在那个时候开会。In those days, medical people were the main determiners of which kind of special school a child should be sent to.那个时候,孩子应该送到何种特殊学校,主要由医务人员说了算。In those days you were expected to wear black while you were in mourning.那个时候,服丧期间须穿黑色衣服。Taxis are hard to find at that time of night.夜晚那个时候很难找到出租车。At that time, the state controlled nearly every aspect of people's lives.那个时候,国家几乎控制了人民生活的各个方面。Even then, she continued to speak out at rallies around the country.即便到了那个时候,她还继续在全国各地的集会上公开发言。In all that time Naomi never told me where she came from.那个时候,娜奥米一直没有告诉我她是哪里的人。In those days, visiting in the hospital was restricted to specific weekend hours only.那个时候,到医院探望病人只限在周末特定的几个小时。We didn't have very much understanding of the problem then.那个时候,我们对这个问题了解得不是很多。Taking a holiday then is out of the question, you'll have to arrange it for some other time.那个时候度假绝对不可能,你得另外安排时间。It's that time of year again, when thoughts turn to romance and gallantry.又到了一年的那个时候,人们开始想到浪漫和骑士风度。At that time, he had virtually no love life.那个时候,他的感情生活几乎还是一片空白。I thought it would be silly to be too rude at that stage.我原本觉得在那个时候太粗鲁会很不明智。At that moment he came face to face with Sergeant Burke.那个时候他迎面碰上了伯克中士。




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