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词汇 避难
例句 Peru offered refuge to officers who had taken part in the abortive coup.秘鲁为参与流产政变的官员提供避难The Prime Minister wanted to create a safe haven for the refugees.首相想要为难民建一个避难的地方。The refugees took to the hills for safety.难民们逃往山区避难The story is told through the eyes of a refugee child.故事是以一个避难儿童的视角讲述的。Gypsies from Eastern Europe have sought asylum in Britain.东欧的吉卜赛人在英国寻求避难He told his wife to seek refuge at a convent.他嘱咐妻子去修道院寻求避难They sought refuge in another country. 他们去另一个国家寻求避难During the flooding, people took refuge in the hills.洪灾期间,人们躲进山里避难They took refuge in the fortress.他们在堡垒中避难His home became a place of refuge for the believers.他的家成了信徒们的避难之处。During the frequent air-raids, people took refuge in their cellars.在频繁的空袭中,人们躲在地窖里避难I thought of my bedroom as a sanctuary.我把我的卧室当成是避难的地方。They took refuge in the embassy.他们在大使馆里避难The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request.会议制定了用以确定由哪个国家负责受理避难请求的规约。The government gave asylum to the refugees.政府为难民提供避难She has flitted from one country to another seeking asylum.她匆忙地从一个国家跑到另一个国家寻求避难Most refugee doctors never get the chance to practice medicine in British hospitals.多数去避难的医生永远没有机会在英国医院行医。A Zimbabwean asylum seeker was deported to Harare.一个寻求避难的津巴布韦人被遣返回了哈拉雷。His department is facing an overspend on the asylum system.他的部门在避难系统方面面临超支。They sought refuge in the mountains.他们去山里避难They sought refuge in Canada.他们在加拿大寻求避难The foreign evacuees sailed away to safety in Athens.被疏散的外国人乘船去雅典避难There can be no excuse for the mistreatment of people seeking asylum in this country.没有理由粗暴对待在这个国家里寻求避难的人。She has expressed a wish to seek asylum here.她表达了想在此地寻求避难的愿望。The political defector was refuged in an embassy.那个政治叛逃者被一大使馆接纳避难The two men claimed asylum on their arrival in the UK.那两个人一到英国便寻求避难She would try to find a Canadian embassy and claim asylum.她会试图找一个加拿大使馆寻求避难Too often asylum-seekers are treated like criminals.寻求避难的人往往受到罪犯一样的对待。The British government has been accused of giving shelter to known war criminals.英国政府被指责向臭名昭著的战争罪犯提供避难之地。Some of them have sought sanctuary in the church.他们中的一些人在教堂避难They took refuge in a bomb shelter.他们在防空洞中避难His request for asylum was rejected.他请求避难被拒绝了。In former times, criminals could take sanctuary inside a church.旧时岁月里,罪犯可以躲进教堂避难




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