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词汇 human rights
例句 It urged the party to cleanse its own ranks of those found guilty of human rights violations.它敦促该党清除那些被判侵犯人权罪的党员。The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war.这份报告详述了战争期间所发生的践踏人权的情况。He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.为了弥补自己当权时对人权的践踏,他以出家来谢罪。The government outlined a new set of proposals on human rights.政府简要列出了一套新的人权提案。The restriction of press freedom is seen as an abuse of human rights.限制新闻自由被看作是对人权的侵犯。The military perpetrated many human rights abuses during the earliest phase of the conflict.冲突的最初阶段军队实施了诸多侵犯人权的行为。His country is making a big effort to improve its human rights record.他的国家正在努力改善其人权记录。We can't just look the other way while these violations of basic human rights continue to occur.这些违反基本人权的事件接连发生,我们决不能视而不见。They tried to form a study group on human rights.他们试图组建一个人权问题研究小组。The group monitors human rights violations.这一团体负责监督侵犯人权的行为。She's also a veteran campaigner for human rights.她还是一位经验丰富的人权活动家。The decision has caused concern among human rights groups.裁决引起人权组织的忧虑。The issue of human rights is widely agitated.人权问题引起广泛而激烈的辩论。We should deconstruct the Western myth of human rights.我们应该对西方人权迷思进行解构。As president-elect, he touched on the human rights issue.他以当选总统的身份谈到了人权问题。The regime has been harshly criticized for serious human rights violations.该政府因为严重侵犯人权而受到强烈指责。He was making all the right noises about multi-party democracy and human rights.他假意支持多党民主和人权问题。He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues.他只是含蓄地提到了国际社会对人权问题的关注。The movement emerged out of concern for human rights abuses.该运动发端于对侵犯人权现象的关切。These laws allow the security forces to ride roughshod over the human rights of the people.这些法律允许安全部队践踏人权。FGM is a fundamental abuse of human rights.女性割礼是对人权的粗暴践踏。She's claiming that her detention by the police was a violation of her human rights.她声称警方对她的拘留侵犯了她的人权。The peace talks have been deadlocked over the issue of human rights since August.从八月起,和平谈判就在人权问题上陷入僵局。The new law provided for equality of human rights.新法律规定人人有平等的权利。They are committed to human rights and pluralism.他们信奉人权和多元主义。In times of war, governments often sweep human rights aside.战争时期,政府经常对人权置之不顾。The way they treat women there represents a gross violation of human rights.他们那里对待妇女的行为是在公然侵犯人权。The country has come under severe criticism for its human rights record.该国的人权记录遭到了严厉的批评。The question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights.将要谈到的问题与人权问题有关。Genocide is the ultimate abuse of human rights.种族灭绝是对人权的极端践踏。This is a flagrant violation of human rights.这是对人权的公然侵犯。All individuals have basic human rights, that are recognized under international law.所有的人都享有国际法认可的基本人权。I too am committing myself to continue the fight for human rights in this country.我本人也保证继续为本国的人权事业而奋斗。The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.代表团向下院呈交了有关公然侵犯基本人权的备忘录。She spoke bravely and defiantly in defence of human rights.为了维护人权,她作了一番勇敢无畏的演说。His regime was tarnished by human rights abuses.他的政权因践踏人权而形象受损。I can't agree with the letter writer who claims bringing back the death penalty would be an abuse of human rights.我不能赞同写信人所称恢复死刑就是侵犯人权的说法。There has been a retrogression in the field of human rights.人权领域出现了倒退。They have never weakened their stand for human rights.在人权问题上,他们的立场从未软化过。Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights.加纳在人权方面并非毫无瑕疵。




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