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词汇 decades
例句 Foreign companies have been effectively running the country for decades.外国公司控制这个国家实际上已经几十年了。The diet of the affluent has not changed much over the decades.几十年来富人们的饮食习惯并未发生太大的变化。The reforms come after decades of hostility to revisionism.和修正主义对抗了几十年之后,改革终于到来了。The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades.人们认为意大利的政治体系几十年来一直存在着严重危机。After decades of colonial rule, the land was finally restored to its rightful owners.经过了几十年的殖民统治,这块土地终于交还给了其合法的主人。The company had monopolized the photography market for so many decades that they didn't worry about competition from other companies.这家公司垄断摄影市场几十年,他们不担心来自其他公司的竞争。Turkish Kurds have been repressed for decades by the Ankara government.土耳其的库尔德人已经被安卡拉政府压制了几十年。Courts have been reluctant to reopen old wounds by trying crimes that are decades old.法院不愿重揭旧伤疤,去审理几十年前的罪案。It would take many decades to build up the level of education and sophistication.教养和人情世故需要好几十年的时间来积累。The church was recently restored after decades of disuse.这座遗弃数十年的教堂不久前刚刚修复好。Despite decades of study, the life cycle of the tiny shellfish, krill, is still something of a mystery.尽管研究了几十年,磷虾这种微小的甲壳类动物的生命周期仍然是一个谜。The collection has been in storage for decades.这些收藏品已保管了几十年。She reigned over her kingdom for many decades.她统治王国长达几十年。The company has been running down for decades.这家公司几十年来一直在走下坡路。These countries are trying to shake off the stultifying effects of several decades of state control.这些国家正在努力摆脱几十年来国家专制体制对发展的束缚。Aid organisations are trying to free the country of the ravages of two decades of civil war.救援组织正试图把该国从二十年内战的蹂躏中解救出来。The government has been waging an undeclared war against them for decades.政府数十年来一直在对他们不宣而战。Over the past several decades, scientists were unable to demystify the legend of the Lock Ness Monster.几十年来,科学家都无法解除尼斯湖水怪的神秘传说。The plunder of the site had gone on unchecked for decades.几十年来,该遗址屡遭洗劫,无人过问。This decision marks a dramatic departure from four decades of Supreme Court rulings.这一裁决明显背离了最高法院四十余年的断案惯例。The custom has prevailed for decades.这风俗已盛行数十年。The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades.几十年来意大利政治体制一直被认为处于关键阶段。There have been a lot of changes during/in/over the past two decades.过去二十年中发生了许多变化。The Communist Party was voted out of power in the nation's first democratic elections in decades.在这个国家数十年以来的第一次民主选举中,该党落选下了台。The word has entered common usage in recent decades.这个单词在最近几十年已经得到了普遍使用。The process often stretches out to years, even decades.这一过程常要延续好几年,甚至几十年。Italy has been afflicted by political corruption for decades.几十年来意大利一直饱受政治腐败之苦。It was like jumping on a bicycle for the first time in decades.就像数十年来第一次骑上自行车一样。These cultural differences have existed for decades.这些文化差异已经存在几十年了。The consensus amongst the world's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.世界各国的科学家普遍认为,在未来几十年里地球有可能变暖。The border dispute between the two countries chilled their relations for decades.两国之间的边界争端使他们几十年来的关系都很冷淡。For decades this country has been ruled by a repressive military regime.数十年来这个国家一直受一个高压的军政府统治。After almost two decades of mulling it over in his mind, Sayles finally made his Texas movie.经过差不多二十年时间的构思,塞尔斯终于拍成了他的得克萨斯风格的电影。For decades, many of Malevich's works were consigned to the basements of Soviet museums.数十年里,马列维奇的许多作品被堆弃在苏联博物馆的地下室里。For over two decades the USA sought to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.在二十多年间,政府试图阻止该疾病在此地区扩散。His career as a singer spanned three decades.他当了三十年的职业歌手。The empire held together for many decades.这个帝国数十年没有分裂。Her involvement with the museum lasted over two decades.她参与博物馆工作前后有二十多年了。Many spent decades in prison or in internal exile.许多人在监狱或国内流放中度过几十个年头。The feud percolated for decades.这场争斗延续了几十年。




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