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It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.遭受迫害的记忆和威胁把他们紧紧联系在一起。There's a law to protect refugees from forcible return to countries where they face persecution.有法律保护难民,以免他们被强行遣返回国遭受迫害。He is a genuine political refugee who has reason to fear persecution.他是个真正的政治难民,有理由害怕遭受迫害。The constitution guarantees freedom from persecution on grounds of race, sex, or sexuality.宪法保障公民不因为种族、性别或性取向而遭受迫害。They were persecuted for their faith.他们因宗教信仰而遭受迫害。They left the country out of fear of persecution.他们因害怕遭受迫害而离开了这个国家。They were persecuted for their religious beliefs.他们因宗教信仰而遭受迫害。Many chose to live as exiles rather than face persecution.许多人宁愿成为流亡者也不愿遭受迫害。 |