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词汇 巨幅
例句 An advertising hoarding on the platform caught her attention.站台上的一幅巨幅广告牌吸引了她的注意力。Huge election posters suddenly went up all over the town.巨幅选举海报突然间贴满了整个城镇。Beckham's bonce is on an enormous Adidas ad.贝克汉姆的脑袋出现在阿迪达斯的一个巨幅广告上。A large picture of the battle of Waterloo occupied the space above the fireplace.一幅描绘滑铁卢战役的巨幅画作占据了壁炉上方的空间。They had blown up the picture to make a huge poster of his face.他们放大了照片,用他的脸部制成巨幅海报。The walls were hung with huge modern paintings.墙上挂着巨幅的现代画。A giant photograph of the actor hangs in the foyer of the theatre.那位演员的巨幅照片挂在剧场的休息室里。The wall was painted with a large mural depicting famous scenes from American history.墙上的巨幅壁画描绘了美国历史上的著名场景。The front page had no text, just a photograph of the Princess and a huge headline.首页没有文字,只是一张王妃的照片和一个巨幅标题。




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