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词汇 遗传
例句 In men, hair loss is hereditary.男性脱发属于遗传Researchers have discovered that the children of these patients are genetically predisposed to cancer.研究者发现这些病人的子女容易通过遗传患上癌症。Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,常会遗传He inherited a love of music from his father.他从父亲那里遗传了对音乐的热爱。Fatness often runs in families.肥胖常在家族内遗传His father and grandmother were painters too, so it's obviously in the blood.他父亲和祖母也是画家,所以绘画天赋显然是家族遗传的。The boys inherited Derek's good looks.这些男孩遗传了德里克的英俊外表。He's inherited his father's explosive temper.遗传了其父暴躁的脾气。Genetic manipulation is a fairly topical issue these days.遗传操控是当今一个相当热门的话题。A meme is the cultural equivalent of the unit of physical heredity, the gene.文化中的模因相当于遗传中的基因。Scientists were gradually coming to the conclusion that the disease was hereditary.科学家慢慢地得出了结论,即这种疾病是遗传的。The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment.人类的道德品质不是遗传的,而是由环境塑造的。The condition of flat feet runs in families.平足会在家族中遗传My height comes from my heredity.我的身高来自于遗传The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent.子女身上遗传了父母双方的基因型板。We're all ambitious - it seems to run in the family.我们一家人都很有抱负——好像是遗传Weak eyes run in the family.弱视会遗传This particular gene is passed down through the male line.这一特定的基因是通过父系遗传的。From this study we can reasonably infer that this characteristic is inherited.根据这项研究,我们可以合理地推断出这一特性是遗传的。The colour of our skin is due to heredity.我们的肤色取决于遗传She inherited the urge to travel from her father.她热爱旅行是从父亲那里遗传来的。The disease occurs if someone inherits two copies of an abnormal gene.如果一个人遗传了两个完全相同的异常基因,就会出现这种疾病。Jane inherited her mother's big eyes.遗传了她妈妈的大眼睛。The claim that IQ is heritable provokes controversy.智商可以遗传这一说法引起了争议。No one knows whether a child's tendency towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats.没人知道儿童的发胖倾向是遗传还是食物造成的。Researchers have argued over the relative contributions of nature and nurture to the human personality.遗传与后天培养对人性格的作用孰大孰小,研究者看法不一。He has inherited his father's explosive temper.遗传了其父暴躁的脾气。We do not know which traits are inherited and which acquired.我们不知道哪些特征是遗传的,哪些是后天获得的。Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.有些人因先天遗传易患糖尿病。Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.父母把某些特性遗传给子女。The hereditary disease is transmitted recessively.这种遗传疾病是隐性遗传的。Many cases of breast cancer have genetic causes, but environmental substances may also play a part.许多乳腺癌个案是遗传引起的,但是环境因素可能也有一定影响。An individual may pass on to future generations its genes for tallness.一个人身高的基因可能会遗传给其后代。Good looks must run in the family.在这家族内美貌肯定有遗传的。We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics.我们的许多身体特征都是从父母那里遗传而来的。The insanity which ran in his family haunted him.家族遗传的精神错乱困扰着他。Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.镰状细胞贫血是通过隐性基因遗传的。This behaviour is part of our genetic make-up rather than our cultural conditioning.这种行为是由我们的性格遗传造成的,而不是我们所接受的文化熏陶。Intelligence seems to run in that family.那一家人都很聪明,好像是遗传的。Heredity is not a factor in causing this cancer.遗传因素不是导致这种癌症的原因。




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