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例句 I met a pal of mine later and he suggested that we do a double act.后来我遇到一个朋友,他建议我们演双簧。She says she won't just marry the first man that comes along.她说她不会和遇到的第一个男人结婚。She's going out with some guy she met at work.她和在工作上遇到的一个家伙交往。There are bound to be teething problems in a new marriage.新婚夫妻初期肯定会遇到一些问题。I met a boy in his mid-twenties and we started dating.遇到了一个二十五六岁的小伙子,然后我们开始约会。She told us about some of the amusing incidents of her holiday.她给我们讲了几件她假期中遇到的逗人发笑的事。No sooner had they celebrated their victory than they came up against a new roadblock.他们刚庆祝完胜利就遇到了一个新的障碍。Of course there will be some difficult times ahead.今后当然会遇到一些困难的时候。She went to the station to meet her father but missed him.她到车站去接父亲,可是没有遇到Ozone is formed when an electric spark is passed through oxygen.电火花遇到氧气会产生臭氧。The company hit its first roadblock last year.该公司去年遇到了第一个难题。She stopped for gas at the first station she saw.她在遇到的第一家加油站停下来加油。I think he might have met his match in Simon.我认为他遇到西蒙是棋逢对手了。That was the day she met her future husband.就在那天她遇到了后来的丈夫。The economy was in serious trouble.经济遇到了大麻烦。He is the go-to politician for all federal matters in the state.他是州里遇到联邦事务时必找的政客。Hey, Tony, I met someone at a party last week who was your double.嘿,托尼,上周我在一次聚会上遇到一个长得和你一模一样的人。The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble.飞行员向指挥塔台汇报说自己遇到了技术故障。Her voice took on a troubled tone.从她说话的声音里能听出她遇到了麻烦。He's the best opponent I've come across this season, a great player.他是我本赛季遇到的最出色的对手,一位了不起的运动员。Some places are more problematic than others for women traveling alone.对那些独自旅行的女性来说,在有些地方遇到的问题会比其他地方更多。My boss is being very sympathetic about my problems.我的老板对我遇到的问题表示非常体谅。It's hard not to react badly when your kids are playing up.遇到孩子调皮捣蛋时很难不作出恶劣的反应。It is exciting to meet a writer of his caliber. 遇到这样一位有才干的作家真是令人兴奋。He ran up against trouble in his new job.他在他的新岗位上遇到了麻烦。He met Saleh after a memorial ceremony for former president François Mitterrand.他在一次纪念前总统弗朗索瓦·密特朗的活动上遇到了萨利赫。There's some sympathy for this new country's growing pains, but that sympathy is fast wearing out.一些人对这个新国家建国初期遇到的困难表示同情,但是那种同情很快就消失了。Try to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.尽量利用你遇到的每一个机会。I had finally met my match in Steven.最终我遇到了劲敌史蒂文。He's very narrow-minded when it comes to that sort of thing.遇到那种事情,他的气量就会非常小。That would represent a huge setback in the fight to change our criminal justice system.那将会是在刑事司法体制改革中遇到的重大挫折。He admitted that their marriage was in trouble.他承认他们的婚姻遇到了麻烦。I know quite a few people who have had the same problem.我知道很多人也遇到了同样的问题。After she met him she really bloomed.遇到他后变得容光焕发。He's in trouble but he's refused all (my offers of) help.遇到了麻烦,但是却对(我提出的)帮助一概拒绝。When you're stuck in traffic, a mobile phone's an absolute life-saver.当你遇到交通堵塞的时候,手机真成了救星。We had good weather apart from one day of heavy rain.除了有一天下大雨,我们遇到的都是好天气。We had trouble finding a parking spot. 我们找停车位时遇到了麻烦。We all feel keenly for him in his great trouble.我们对他遇到的巨大困难都由衷地同情。Poor old Alan! He's had more than his fair share of bad luck recently.可怜的老艾伦!他最近遇到的倒霉事太多了。




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