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Many biotech companies are not yet profitable, as they continue to pour money into research and trials.许多生物科技公司一直把大量资金投入在研究和试验中,但还没赢利。Sectors like biotech and engineering are unpopular.生物技术和工程之类的行业不受欢迎。The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world.生物工程公司辩称,转基因作物将会结束发展中国家粮食短缺的状况。Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund.斯威夫特说,生物科技领域的投资人越来越精明了,这也为我们获得一个更专业的投资基金提供了机会。 |