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词汇 逼近
例句 By now the army was approaching from the south.那个时候军队正从南面逼近Police moved in on the demonstrators in the square.警察向广场上的示威者逼近Enemy troops began closing in at dawn.敌军在黎明时分开始逼近He was unaware of the impending disaster.他对逼近的灾难毫无察觉。The specter of war loomed ahead.战争的阴影逼近了。Well-organized bands of rebels began to close in on the capital.组织有序的叛军开始逼近首都。A ridge of high pressure is coming up from the south.一个高压脊正从南方逼近A group of men suddenly emerged from a doorway and moved menacingly forward to block her way.一群男子突然出现在门口,并且向她逼近,堵住了她的去路。The grim spectre of terrorism cast its shadow.恐怖主义的可怕幽灵正在逼近Many residents in at-risk areas move their cars to higher ground when floods threaten.洪水威胁逼近之时,可能受影响区域的很多住户都把汽车移到了地势高一些的地方。The police moved in on the criminal's hideout.警方向罪犯藏匿处逼近Enemy troops were marching on the city. 敌军正在向这座城市逼近He felt a nameless terror and sensed that death was near.他有一种不可名状的恐惧,感觉死亡正在逼近He moved towards her as though he was advancing on a dangerous animal.他向她靠近时就好像在逼近一头危险的野兽。The storm is closing in fast.暴风雨正在快速逼近Awall of dark water approached their small boat.一道深色的水墙逼近了他们的小船。The rebels were put to flight by the advancing army.军队步步逼近使造反者溃逃。The lion was moving in on its prey.狮子正向猎物逼近The troops met heavy/stiff resistance as they approached the city.军队逼近该城时遭到了顽强抵抗。Soviet troops were closing in on Berlin.苏联军队正在向柏林逼近We could all see that disaster loomed for the company.我们都看得出来灾难正向该公司逼近Smith closed with his opponent, trying to put a lock on his arm.史密斯逼近对手,想把对手的臂膀夹住。A dark shadow loomed over her.一个黑影赫然向她逼近The BMW started coming forward, passing the other cars and gaining speed as it approached.那辆宝马车开始赶上来,超过了其他车辆并且在逼近的时候开始加速。The police are beginning to move in on their principal suspects.警察开始向他们的主要嫌疑犯逼近Every day the Russian tanks were getting nearer to Berlin.苏联坦克一天天地逼近柏林。A large number of rebels escaped to the east as the army closed in on Jaffra.当军队逼近贾夫拉时,大批叛乱分子逃往东部。From the moment Edward had told her of the escape attempt, she had been overtaken by a sense of impending doom.自从爱德华告诉她打算逃跑的那一刻起,她便强烈感到厄运在一步步逼近As the day of my interview loomed, I became increasingly nervous.面试一天一天逼近,我越来越紧张了。Forces were massing on the border for an imminent invasion.军队正在边境地区大量集结,准备应对步步逼近的入侵。The Mercedes began to gain on the van.那辆奔驰开始逼近小货车。The troops moved in while the enemy was sleeping.当敌人还在睡觉的时候部队悄悄逼近了。Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches.随着开演时间逼近,大家都紧张起来,慌里慌张地念着台词。The police moved in on the wanted criminal.警方向通缉犯逼近He advanced on me in a menacing fashion.他气势汹汹地向我逼近They were told to hold their fire until the enemy came closer.他们被告知等敌军逼近点儿再开枪。Enemy soldiers are advancing on the city. 敌军正在逼近这座城市。At the coalface with a deadline looming, you sometimes feel under a lot of pressure.在工作第一线切身面对最后期限的逼近,你有时会感觉压力很大。The villagers fled in panic from the approaching army.军队逼近,村民们惊慌而逃。The car came perilously close to running her down.汽车向她逼近,险些将她撞倒。




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