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词汇 拼写
例句 Some words are more difficult to spell than others.有些词比其他的词难拼写Give more care to your spelling.多注意你的拼写I am an absolutely appalling speller.拼写差得一塌糊涂。She is a bad/good speller. 她是个拼写能力差/强的人。I know my spelling needs a lot of work.我知道我需要在拼写上狠下工夫。Marks were given for accurate spelling and punctuation.拼写及标点正确而得分。Where spelling is concerned, he's never been a strong student.拼写方面,他从来不是很擅长。It's shocking how students can't spell these days.当今的学生们拼写上差得令人吃惊。She's careless about her spelling.她不重视拼写His spelling is terrible! For instance, look at this word!他的拼写太糟糕了!比如就看看这个词吧! Using a computer helped with the spelling and presentation of his school work.使用计算机对他作业的拼写和格式帮助很大。She rearranged the letters of her name to spell different words.她把她名字的字母重新组合,拼写出了不同的单词。He doesn't spell very well.他的拼写能力不太好。I find even everyday words difficult to spell.我发现甚至日常用词也很难拼写She's having a little difficulty with her spelling.她的拼写有些小问题。Her spelling has improved.她的拼写进步了。Our spelling system isn't as fossilized as you might think.我们的拼写系统不像你想的那样一成不变。Spelling and good grammar are both very important.拼写和语法正确都很重要。He can't spell.他不会拼写My spelling is terrible.我的拼写能力很差。Her writing is neat, but she can't spell.她的书写很工整,但她不会拼写Students will be penalized for mistakes in spelling and grammar.学生会因为拼写和语法错误而受到处罚。Sometimes there is little correspondence between the way a word is spelled and the way it is pronounced in English.有时英语单词的拼写方式跟其发音几乎不相关。The English and Americans often spell words differently, but both variants are acceptable.英国人和美国人的单词拼写经常不一样,不过两种拼法都可以接受。Always check your spelling.每次都要检查你的拼写When necessary, the Greek spelling is disambiguated by an appended phonetic transcription.必要时,附注音标可以消除希腊文拼写的歧义。If you're unsure, ask the customer to spell their name.如果你没有把握,就请顾客把他们的名字拼写出来。Bad spellers have a weak visual memory.拼写常出错的人视觉记忆能力差。She is studying for her math/spelling/history test.她正在准备数学/拼写/历史测验。The composition is quite good except for the spelling.这篇文章除了拼写以外,其他都不错。Good readers tend to be better at spelling than other children.阅读能力强的孩子在拼写方面一般比其他孩子表现好。British and American spellings differ in many ways.英国英语和美国英语的拼写有很多不同。British and American spellings英式和美式的拼写The editors of the book decided to Americanize the spelling.这本书的编辑们决定用美式拼写His handwriting and spelling are impeccable.他的书法和拼写挑不出一点毛病。The test measures children's achievements in reading, spelling and maths.这项测验评估小孩子在阅读、拼写和数学方面的成绩。That guy is a joke. How can he edit a book when he can't even spell!那家伙真让人笑掉大牙,他连拼写也不行怎么能编书呢! He's very good at spelling. = His spelling is very good. 拼写能力很好。I' m shocking at spelling.我的拼写没救了。English spelling presents special difficulties for foreign learners.对外国学习者来讲,英语拼写特别困难。




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