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The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door.这幅画描绘的厅堂如此逼真,若不细看,还真以为是从一扇开着的门往里看呢。I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days.我几次梦见了他,梦境如此逼真,我好几天都心神不宁。He does a perfect imitation of a turkey.他能逼真地模仿火鸡。The special effects seem very realistic.特效做得似乎很逼真。The device simulates conditions in space very closely.这种装置逼真地模拟了太空环境。The painting is so lifelike.这幅画形象如此逼真。The special effects were so realistic.那些特技镜头太逼真了。The violence is horribly realistic.暴力场景逼真得吓人。Pictures should be in focus, with realistic colours and well composed groups.照片应该图像清晰,颜色逼真,构图合理。You could make the hands a little more realistic.你可以把手弄得更逼真一些。The story is a closely/well observed portrait of the city.这个故事是对城市生活的逼真描述。The dream was very vivid.这场梦非常清晰逼真。He gave a convincing stage performance as the unpleasant young debauchee.他在舞台上逼真地演绎出了一个生活糜烂放荡的年轻人形象。At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is costly.要使电脑动画的视觉效果达到要求的逼真程度,花费会十分昂贵。The directors wanted the computer-generated images to look as lifelike as possible.导演要求电脑制作的画面越逼真越好。The actor gave a vivid performance as the mad king.演员逼真地扮演了那个疯狂的国王。Computer-animated cartoons that depict humans realistically seem to defeat the whole purpose of animation.逼真刻画人类的电脑动画似乎破坏了动画的全部目的。All the characters in this play are true to life.这出戏的所有角色都演得生动而逼真。It's not a true likeness.这幅画像不逼真。The realism of her dream was alarming.她的梦境如此逼真,让人震惊。The graphics in the video game are more lifelike than we imagined they would be.电子游戏中的图像比我们想象的更加逼真。He's made the characters believable.他让个个角色都逼真可信。The house is a reasonable facsimile of his original home.这个房子是他最初那个家的逼真仿建。He can mimic the way his father talks perfectly.他能逼真地模仿父亲说话的样子。The author presents the characters in a way that feels very true to life.作者将几个人物描绘得十分逼真。The painting captures the gloom of a foggy night.这幅画逼真表现了雾夜的昏暗。The critics praised the reality of the scenery and the naturalness of the acting.评论家称赞了舞台布景的现实逼真和表演的真实自然。The realism of modern computer graphics is stunning.现代计算机绘图的逼真程度令人吃惊。I knew that what I had seen was a hallucination, but it was so real and frightening.我知道自己所看到的是幻觉,可那实在太逼真、太恐怖了。Its line closely follows the five-metre contour.线条逼真地勾勒出这个五米高物体的轮廓。The picture is truer than a photograph.这画比照片还逼真。 |