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It is ludicrous that we have to show our pass each time.我们每次都得出示通行证,这太可笑了。The rebels' leader was granted a safe-conduct to talk with the president.叛军首领获得了与总统谈判的安全通行证。You have to show the security guard your pass.你得向保安出示通行证。She managed to obtain a free pass which even allowed her to visit sensitive military areas.她成功地得到了一张特别通行证,能够进入军事敏感地区。If the interview goes well, it could be the passport to an exciting new career.如果这个面试进展顺利,可能会成为激动人心的全新职业生涯的通行证。Tom was freed and given safe-conduct to a neighbouring state.汤姆被释放并发给去邻州的安全通行证。This housing law would be a charter for dishonest landlords to cheat their tenants.这条住房法规就等于容许不诚实的房东欺骗租客的通行证。The visitors were issued with day passes.访客都获发了一日有效的通行证。You always have to show your pass before they'll let you in.你每次都得出示通行证,他们才会让你进去。She showed the doorman her press pass.她向门卫出示了她的记者通行证。I got myself a pass into the barracks.我弄到了进兵营的通行证。We gained admission to the conference by showing our press passes.我们出示记者通行证后获准进入会场。No pass, no passage.没有通行证不得通过。Journalists were issued with passes.记者们获发了通行证。He didn't have a White House press pass.他没有进出白宫的记者通行证。Reducing the number of police is just a thieves' charter.减少警力等于是给窃贼开了通行证。This pass will privilege you to attend the closed hearings.有了这张通行证你便可以出席不公开的听证会。We won backstage passes for tonight's concert.我们搞到了今晚音乐会的后台通行证。She could not get in without a permit.没有通行证,她进不来。The gold medal is his passport into professional boxing.这块金牌是他进入职业拳击的通行证。 |