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His entire speech was nothing but claptrap.他通篇演讲都是废话。His entire argument was simply mush.他的通篇议论全是空话。The entire report rubbished her political opponents.报道通篇都是在抨击她的政敌。The film is peopled with monstrocities.这部影片通篇都是骇人的鬼怪。The pellucid beauty of Feldman's writing shone through.费尔德曼的作品通篇都呈现出清晰透彻之美。The letter reeks of subservience.那封信通篇阿谀奉承腔。The President's speech was full of generalities.总统的讲话通篇空洞无物。The book is full of good ideas to grab your students' attention.这本书里通篇都是如何吸引学生注意力的好方法。There is not a particle of truth in the statement.通篇陈述没有一点真话。 |