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词汇 透支
例句 Staff say he is suffering from exhaustion.员工说他体力透支而病倒了。His current account was seriously overdrawn.他的活期账户严重透支He ran up a huge overdraft during his year in office.他在任期间积欠了大笔透支Your account is overdrawn.你的账户透支了。Customers must pay a fee for being overdrawn on their accounts.若账户透支,储户须为此付费。We are afraid the trip might overtax his health/strength.我们担心这次旅行可能过度透支他的健康/体力。The bank refused to okay his overdraft.银行拒绝允许他账户透支Don't exert yourself too much.不要过分透支自己。Touring exacts a high price from the players.巡回比赛让球员身体透支My checking account has a negative balance.我的支票账户透支了。James was overdrawn and mortgaged to the hilt.詹姆斯的账户透支了,他把财产都抵押了。I'm overdrawn this month, but it should balance out next month.我这个月账户透支了,不过下个月应该能还清。Exam stress is causing them sleepless nights and health problems.考试压力让他们夜不能寐,健康透支Talk to the bank before you go overdrawn.透支前先向银行咨询。I was absolutely knackered at the end of the match.在比赛结束时我体力完全透支了。I'm always overdrawn at the end of the month.我月底总要透支This cheque should clear my overdraft.这张支票应该能帮我还清透支的款项。She was suffering from exhaustion and was ill through work-related stress.她一直体力透支,再加上工作压力就病倒了。Her bank warned that, unless she repaid the overdraft, she could face legal action.银行警告她如果不偿还透支钱款,她将面临诉讼。The bank may ask for security if you want an overdraft.你如要透支,银行可能会要求抵押品。She milked the system dry.她把身体透支了。You'll pay some hefty bank charges if you go overdrawn without permission.如果未经允许透支,你就要付给银行一大笔费用。Talk to the bank before you go overdrawn.透支前先向银行咨询一下。Banks are quick to demand their pound of flesh when overdrafts run a little over the limit.透支稍微超出限额时,银行便会很快要求归还欠款。I never like to go overdrawn if I can help it.不到迫不得已我绝不愿意透支My bank account is overdrawn.我的银行账户透支了。Her bank warned that unless she repaid the overdraft she could face legal action.银行警告她如果不偿还透支钱款,她将面临诉讼。




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