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The voting system is weighted against the smaller parties.这种选举制度对较小的党派不利。The fact that a party can be voted into power by a minority of the electorate calls into question the country's electoral system.赢得少数选民的政党也能当选执政,这引发了人们对该国选举制度的怀疑。Electoral reform is not a panacea. It causes almost as many problems as it solves.改革选举制度不是个万能之计,它能解决一些问题,但一样也会带来许多问题。The electoral system favoured mainstream parties.选举制度对主流政党有利。The report strongly favours reform of the electoral system.报告强烈支持对选举制度进行改革。Electoral systems vary from country to country.各个国家的选举制度不尽相同。The electoral system in this country should be changed.这个国家的选举制度应进行改革。The government is considering changing the local voting system.政府正在考虑变革地方选举制度。The complicated electoral system effectively guarantees the president's re-election.复杂的选举制度有效地保证总统再次当选。There is a pressing need to modernise our electoral system.我们的选举制度迫切需要现代化。Support for electoral reform is growing.支持选举制度改革的人越来越多。Who will reform our unfair electoral system?谁将改革我们不公正的选举制度呢?I don't know how the electoral system operates in France.我不知道法国的选举制度是如何运转的。The party will continue to press the case for a new electoral system.该党将继续坚持要求建立新的选举制度。There cannot be true democracy without reform of the electoral system.不进行选举制度的改革就不可能有真正的民主。They reformed the voting system, and introduced a secret ballot.他们改革了选举制度,引进无记名投票法。The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate.现行的选举制度不能体现选民的真实意愿。Delegates have voted by a narrow majority in favour of considering electoral reform.代表们投票表决,以微弱多数票赞同考虑选举制度的改革。Ministers agreed to phase out the old voting system within two years.各位部长同意在两年之内逐渐废除旧的选举制度。 |