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词汇 thoughtless
例句 It was just a thoughtless remark.那不过是一句欠考虑的话。Well, really, that was thoughtless of him!唉,说真的,他真是太轻率了!It was thoughtless of him to mention her divorce when she's so upset.他不体谅人,她都这么难过了,还要提她离婚的事。It was thoughtless not to call and say you'd be late.要迟到都不打个电话,你太欠考虑了。She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.她不是故意不友好——她只是有时有点粗心。He's completely thoughtless.他实在是欠缺考虑。It is thoughtless of her to keep us waiting so long.她让我们等这么久,真是太不为别人着想了。A few thoughtless people have spoiled the holiday for everyone else.一些自私的人把其他人的假期都破坏了。It was thoughtless of her to mention it.她提起这事有些欠考虑。It was thoughtless of her not to tell you where she was going.她没告诉你她要去哪儿,这有点欠考虑。He is a thoughtless boy and is always making blunders.他是个粗心的孩子,老是出错。His thoughtless behavior enraged us.他轻率的行为激怒了我们。He agreed that he had been thoughtless.他承认自己轻率。Suzie was headstrong, and sometimes thoughtless of other people's feelings.苏茜非常刚愎自用,有时会不顾别人的感受。I watched Jim leave, cursing him for being so thoughtless.我一边看着吉姆离开,一边骂他怎么如此轻率。It was thoughtless and discourteous to leave us waiting so long.把我们留在这里等候这么长时间,真是考虑不周和失礼。Her thoughtless remark cut him to the quick.她冒失的话深深伤了他的心。Surely she didn't mean it – it was just a thoughtless remark.想必她不是那个意思,那不过是一句无心的话而已。How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.真是太没头脑了,我要告诉他我很生气。It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long.你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。I'm sorry – what I said was very thoughtless.对不起,我说话太欠考虑了。He was flayed by the media for his thoughtless comments.他轻率的言论引来媒体对他的严厉斥责。The media was criticized for its thoughtless incursion into the domestic grief of the family.媒体由于轻率地介入该家庭的不幸而遭到批评。He was often selfish and thoughtless, but she loved him, warts and all. 他经常自私且做事欠考虑,但尽管他有诸多缺点,她依然爱他。




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