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例句 The formal furniture really suited the style of the house.这种庄重的家具确实适合这房子的风格。The movie contains something for both children and adults.这部电影既适合儿童又适合成人观看。The test is meant to pinpoint which types of jobs you are suited for.这一测验旨在确定你适合做哪一类工作。I hadn't brought the right clothes for hill-walking.我没带适合山野远足的衣服。This film has been edited for television.这部电影已经过剪辑,以适合在电视上播放。I was absolutely sure this was the career for me.我绝对有把握,这就是适合我的职业。The dry rocky soil is suitable for planting vines.干燥多岩石的土壤适合种植葡萄。Roses are the perfect flower for any occasion.玫瑰是适合各种时节的理想花卉。All our cheeses are suitable for vegetarians.我们的奶酪全都适合素食者食用。It's a beautiful spot to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.这是个好去处,适合放松并享受周围安静的环境。She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。He was really too old for children's toys.他已经长大了,实在不再适合玩儿童玩具了。We tried to assess his suitability for the job.我们想评估一下他是否适合这项工作。There continues to be a shortage of jobs for young people in many rural areas.在许多乡村地区,适合年轻人的工作一直短缺。Vancouver is a city more in tune with outdoor recreation than cultural institutions.温哥华这个城市适合户外康乐活动多于适合文化活动。The pistol grip was made larger to accommodate his unusually big hand.手枪的枪柄做得较大,以适合他那特大的手。Jeans, the all-purpose denim trousers, have been around for over a hundred years.牛仔裤,这种适合各种用途的斜纹粗棉布裤子,已经有一百多年历史了。We assume that stereotypically masculine traits are more suited to the military.我们以为人们常说的男性特质更加适合军队。They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.他们千方百计雇用那些性格上天生适合服务顾客的人。Does khaki become you?.卡其布适合你吗?Buy the right shampoo for your hair type.要买适合你发质的洗发水。Room for rent in shared house - would suit professional person.出租合住房间——适合专业人士。Some house plants thrive if placed near a window with plenty of sunlight while others prefer to be in a more shaded spot.有些室内盆栽植物在阳光充足的窗口附近会长得很茂盛,而另外一些则适合在较阴暗的地方生长。The program is geared for/to/toward a young audience.这档节目适合年轻观众。Will these gloves fit you?这副手套适合你吗?The wood's hardness makes it suitable for carving.这种木材很坚硬,适合雕刻。As a child I helped plant summer bedding.我还是孩子的时候帮着种些适合花坛种植的夏季花卉。I don't want to raise too many doubts, but I wonder whether he's really fit for the job.我并不想提出太多疑问,可是我怀疑他是不是真的适合做这份工作。He is uniquely suited to lead this company.他是唯一适合领导这家公司的人。This is true of my farm.我的农场适合这样。They are attempting to mould their restaurant into a location for business lunches.他们正试图把自己的饭店改造成适合商业午餐的场所。Eggs are extremely well adapted to man's needs.蛋极适合人的需要。Silk rep drapes well and is suitable for tailored curtains and pelmets.丝质棱纹平布悬挂起来很漂亮,适合做定制的窗帘和窗帘帷幔。It's a great place for a picnic and an active day out.这是个适合野餐和丰富多彩户外活动的好地方。The big jars are good for storing pasta.大广口瓶适合存放意大利面食。There are still some doubts about her suitability for the job.对她是否适合这个工作还有些怀疑。With an apt, proprietorial gravity, he walked in and surveyed the saloon.他带着适合老板身份的庄严神态走进酒馆视察。A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile garment that can be worn in all seasons.皮夹克是一种永不过时、适合多种场合的衣服,可以在任何季节穿。That is not in any way, shape, or form an acceptable or appropriate topic for class discussion.无论怎么讲,那绝对不是一个可以或适合在课堂上讨论的话题。Group discussion is also immensely helpful in convincing patients that they can choose a course that feels right to them.小组讨论在让病人相信可以选择适合自己的疗程方面也能发挥巨大的作用。




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