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词汇 送给
例句 She gave him a camera for Christmas.过圣诞节时她送给他一台相机。As a token of our appreciation we would like to offer you this small gift.我们想送给你这个小礼物以表达我们的感激之情。Flowers for me? You shouldn't have.送给我的花吗?你真不该破费。He gave her amber earrings set in silver.送给她一对镶银边的琥珀耳环。The pretty casket was given to her by her former boyfriend.这个漂亮的首饰盒是她以前的男朋友送给她的。She gave it to me by way of an apology.她把它送给我以示歉意。It was a gift to the US from the Chinese people.这是中国人民送给美国的一件礼物。I got rid of some old furniture by selling/giving it to my nephew.我处理掉了一些旧家具,把它们卖/送给了我的外甥。He has sent me most precious gifts.送给我极为珍贵的礼物。I searched everywhere for a birthday present for Kim, but I found nothing I liked.我四处寻找可以送给金的生日礼物,但没找到我所喜欢的东西。The author gave me a copy of his new novel as a record of my visit.小说作者把一本自己的新作送给我作为我来访的纪念品。We'd like to present you with this gift in appreciation of your hard work. 我们想要送给你这个礼物,对你的辛劳表示感谢。Her Aunt Sallie gave her an uncharacteristically extravagant gift.萨莉姨妈送给她一件贵得离谱的礼物。My dad gave me a mobile phone for Christmas.我爸爸送给我一个手机作为圣诞礼物。I'll make you a present of a new car.我会送给你一辆新车。I gave/got her a book as a present.送给她/给她买了一本书作为礼物。A pasta book is a foolproof gift for anyone who cooks.把制作意大利面食的书当礼物送给做饭的人都错不了。Thanks again for the book, it's just what I wanted.再次谢谢你送给我的书,它正是我梦寐以求的。In appreciation of Mr Mainwaring's years of service, the company presented him with a gold watch.为了对梅因沃林先生多年来的服务表示感谢,公司送给他一块金表。She gave each of her grandchildren a Bible.送给她的孙辈每人一本《圣经》。My nephew colored a picture for me.我侄子涂了一张彩图送给我。They gave me a mug as a memento of my visit.他们送给我一个马克杯作为我此行的纪念品。He gave her some ice for her birthday.送给她一些珠宝作为生日礼物。A thin cable carries the signal to a computer.一根细电缆将信号传送给一台计算机。When Jefferson didn't like a pair of goblets given to him as a gift, he asked a local smith to melt them down.杰斐逊不喜欢别人作为礼物送给他的一对高脚杯,就请当地的一个工匠把酒杯熔毁了。She parcelled up some food and clothes to send to the children.她包了些食物和衣服送给孩子们。My nephew loves this bike so I'm going to make him a present of it.我侄子喜欢这辆自行车,所以我打算将它送给他。Have you seen the size of the rock he gave her for their anniversary?你看见他结婚周年纪念时送给她的钻石有多大了吗?They gave me this leaflet - it's really helpful.他们送给我这本小册子—确实很有用。She duplicated the video to give to family and friends.她复制了这段录像,送给家人和朋友。Everybody contributed towards Jane's present when she left the office.简离职时大家凑钱买礼物送给她。Recycle your old clothes by giving them away to charity.旧衣服可以送给慈善机构回收利用。Flowers? For me! What a lovely surprise!鲜花?送给我的!好大的一个惊喜啊!She was enchanted with the flowers you sent her.她对你送给她的花欣喜不已。We were given books as keepsakes of the trip.他们送给我们图书作为此次旅行的纪念品。You handed me the whole thing on a silver platter.你把一切都拱手送给我了。It's a present to us all from Granny.这是奶奶送给我们大家的礼物。We would like to offer you this gift as a mark of our esteem.我们送给您这个礼物表示对您的尊敬。I've promised this picture to my niece.我已经答应把这幅画送给我的侄女。I'm going to get one of those video games for Hillary.我打算买一套这种电子游戏送给希拉里。




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