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例句 The ads helped the brand to achieve iconic status.这些广告帮助该品牌成为人们追捧的对象。The show has been elevated to cult status.该节目受到了狂热追捧His fans have gone absolutely crazy over his latest CD.他的新唱片受到了歌迷们的狂热追捧Harley wasn't prepared for the fame and adulation that came with being a star athlete.哈利对成为明星运动员之后所得到的名望和追捧尚无思想准备。The infamous video nasty is now a cult film.那个臭名昭著的恐怖片现在成了一部备受追捧的影片。She is idolized by her young patients.她受到年轻病人的追捧She was lionized everywhere after her novel won the Pulitzer Prize.自从她的小说获得普利策奖后,她到哪儿都受到追捧The metamorphosis from anxious wife to feted author was rapid and dramatic.从整日焦虑的妻子到受人追捧的作家,这变化迅速而剧烈。Her new book has been embraced by the intelligentsia.她的新书受到知识阶层的追捧Anouska Hempel, the British dress designer, was feted in New York this week at a spectacular dinner.英国服装设计师阿瑙斯卡·亨普尔本周在纽约出席豪华晚宴时大受追捧She is being heralded as the year's best new author.她作为年度最佳新作家受到人们的追捧The actress, who is already a goddess in her own country, is finally getting recognition here.那位在她自己国家备受追捧的女演员,终于在这儿也得到了认可。The show has built up a cult following.这个节目逐渐凝聚了一批狂热的追捧者。The stock is currently out of favor with investors.这只股票现在已不受投资者追捧了。He has spent a month basking in the adulation of the fans back in Jamaica.他整整一个月都沉浸在牙买加影迷们的追捧中。Her carvings attracted many admirers but her paintings failed to impress.她的雕刻吸引了众多追捧者,但是她的绘画没能给人留下深刻印象。The movie has become a cult favourite.这部影片现在红极一时,大受追捧




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