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词汇 sullen
例句 His daughters stared back at him with an expression of sullen resentment.他的几个女儿也满脸愠怒地狠狠回瞪他。A sullen smell out of the southwest gave notice of heavy weather to come.来自西南方的一股阴沉沉的湿气预示着恶劣的天气即将到来。He looked a little sullen in repose.他睡着时脸部略显阴郁。A sullen stream winds its way among the trees.一条水流滞缓的小溪蜿蜒流经树林。Nothing moved in the sullen landscape.在这阴沉的景象中,一切都静止不动了。He turned away in sullen, resentful silence.他闷闷不乐、心怀怨恨、一言不发地转过身去了。He has taken pretty sullen of late.他近来变得相当阴郁。The dinner broke up in an atmosphere of sullen ill feeling.宴席在相互猜忌的阴郁氛围中不欢而散。Many of them remained sullen and resentful.他们中有许多人还是闷闷不乐,怀恨在心。She sat in sullen silence.她闷闷不乐地坐着。The blue eyes were reddened and sullen with weeping.一对碧眼哭得发红,没了光辉。He lapsed into a sullen silence.他气鼓鼓的,一言不发。This sullen weather disagrees with me.遇上这种阴沉的天气我就感到不舒服。The offenders lapsed into a sullen silence.那些冒犯者都闷不作声了。He was sullen and moody and they didn't talk much.他愁眉苦脸,郁郁寡欢,他们很少交谈。Susan was sullen in the morning because she hadn't slept well.苏珊今天早上郁闷不乐,因为昨晚没睡好。He had an angry or perhaps a sullen expression on his face.他显得怒气冲冲,或者可以说怒容满面。Bill sat in sullen silence and refused to eat his lunch.比尔一声不响,闷闷不乐地坐着,不肯吃午饭。The secretary was sullen and uncooperative.那个秘书爱理不理的,很不合作。Dick just sat there with a sullen expression on his face, refusing to speak.迪克就坐在那儿,面带愠色,话也不愿意说。




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