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The child lags his peers in intellectual development.这孩子在智力发展方面比同龄人迟缓。She's concerned that the medication might slow/stunt her child's growth.她担心这药可能会使孩子的生长迟缓。The company was slow to make the transition from paper to computer.公司由纸张办公过渡到电脑办公的转变很迟缓。Feeling muzzy from the blow on his head, he got up very slowly.头部挨了一击后感觉昏沉沉的,他动作非常迟缓地站起身来。Consumers in Europe are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology.欧洲消费者在辨别信息技术应用的潮流上表现迟缓。Construction on the road slowed up traffic.道路施工使交通迟缓。The company was accused of being slow to adapt.公司被指责为适应迟缓。Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?为什么成年人总是那么一本正经,对好点子反应那么迟缓呢?Doctors have criticized the government's response to the crisis as too little, too late.医生批评政府对这次危机反应过于冷淡和迟缓。He had a very delayed reaction to the medication. 他对这种药物的反应很迟缓。Blood loss and fatigue slowed their movements.失血和疲劳使他们的动作变得迟缓。The government was slow to act.政府行动迟缓。 |