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词汇 dignified
例句 It was amusing to see the rear ends of the dignified gentlemen disappearing under the edge of the tent.看着那些大腹贾撅着屁股钻进帐篷去真有趣极了。The lowly cottage was dignified by the two great pear trees in front of it.简陋的村舍因门前两棵大梨树而显得气派。Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.威廉爵士能够以庄重但毫不刻板的方式主持会议。The bishop was a dignified, portly man, with thinning white hair.主教是个头发稀疏花白、很有威严的大腹便便的人。He is trying to project a more dignified, statesmanlike image in this election year.他正试图在这个选举年中树立一种更加威严、更有政治家风范的形象。The hotel's lobby is dignified but inviting.酒店大厅既庄严又吸引人。The old man never has been known to lose his dignified manner in a crisis.从不见这位老先生在危急时刻丧失过尊严的风度。He liked a hushed and dignified atmosphere.他喜欢一种寂静庄重的气氛。They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.他们庄重而有序地在教堂外面等候。I was determined to take the news in a calm and dignified manner.我决定要沉着冷静地面对这一消息。She turned on her heel and made what she hoped was a dignified exit.她转过身以尽可能体面的方式退了出去。They dignified cowardice by calling it prudence.他们把怯懦美其名曰为谨慎。Mr Smith is maintaining a dignified silence.史密斯先生庄重地保持着沉默。The lady decided that it would not be dignified to run for the bus.那位女士认定,奔跑着去赶公共汽车会有失尊严。The meeting was dignified by the presence of the minister.会议规格因部长出席而提高。She has a kind but dignified manner.她既亲切又庄重。It was a dignified and forceful speech.这番演讲优雅而又极具说服力。Williams was a fastidious and dignified man.威廉斯是一个矜持高贵的人。She maintained a dignified silence.她庄重地保持沉默。She was a quiet, dignified old lady.她是个安静、威严的老妇人。In an argument, be dignified and share your feelings.在争论中,要有尊严,要说出自己的感受。He is dignified, and open and aboveboard.他堂堂正正,光明正大。He never has been known to lose his quiet, dignified manner in a crisis.从未有人见过他在紧急关头失去泰然又庄严的神态。Her movements were easy and dignified.她的举止端庄自如。He seemed a very dignified and charming man.他看上去十分高贵,富有魅力。I made what I hoped was a dignified exit.我以自己希望的不失尊严的方式退场。They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party.他们建议她为了政党的利益体面地下台。At the door was a neatly dressed, dignified man.门口站着一位穿戴整齐、仪态庄重的男子。In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified.他身穿簇新的制服,看上去英俊威严。They are a proud, dignified people.他们是一个骄傲高贵的民族。The gatepost was dignified by the weathered brass plate of Dr Harcourt Sibley.在那块刻有哈考特·西布利医生姓名的久经风雨的黄铜牌映衬下,门柱更增添了几分庄重。The defeated candidate gave a dignified speech in which he congratulated his rival.落败的候选人发表了不失尊严的讲话,祝贺对手获胜。He has so far kept a dignified silence on the subject.到目前为止他对这个话题一直保持有尊严的沉默。She has remained dignified and calm throughout.她从头到尾都举止庄重。He was handsome and dignified.他相貌英俊,气质高贵。The meeting was dignified by the minister.这次会议的规格因部长出席而提高。He looked very dignified in his new suit.他穿着新西服,看上去很庄重。She made a dignified departure.她不失尊严地离去。I like her new image - it's a lot more dignified.我喜欢她的新形象—比原来庄重很多。His quiet, dignified pedagogical manner attracted inquisitive students.他上课时安静、庄重的样子吸引了好打听的学生们的注意。




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