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词汇 违背
例句 Your action is a breach of the agreement.你们的行为违背了协议。Such conduct outrages our rules of morality.这种行为违背我们的道德准则。She couldn't explain what had made her go against her upbringing and character and behave so recklessly.她无法解释为何自己会做出与教养和性格相违背的事,行为如此轻率鲁莽。The government has had to renege on its commitment to full employment.政府只得违背了充分就业的承诺。Her failure to respond to the invitation was a serious breach of etiquette.她没有回复邀请,这严重违背了礼节。The flesh rebels against such disciplines.肉体违背这些戒律。He has transgressed against all the rules.违背了所有的规章准则。His practice is in contradiction to his stated principles.他干出来的事情老是同自己申明的原则相违背He would never swerve from the truth.他决不会违背真理。They discussed the propriety of treating ill children against the wishes of the parents.他们讨论了违背父母愿望治疗患病儿童的做法是否妥当。Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them.这里作的改动违背了我的原则,我不能同意。Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。The party has broken all the promises it made when out of office.该党违背了在野时所作的所有承诺。The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention.该行为公然违背了《维也纳公约》。He seemed, all unknowing, to constantly be in breach of Japanese etiquette.他似乎无意中持续违背了日本人的礼节。The mayor's actions in office contradicted the promises he made during the campaign.市长在任的所作所为违背了他竞选时做出的承诺。My father didn't want me to leave home, and I didn't like to go against his will.父亲不想让我离开家,而我也不想违背他的意愿。The union sees the deal as selling out to management. 工会认为这桩交易违背了他们的原则,祖护了资方。To break your promise to him would be akin to betraying your friendship.违背对他的承诺几乎就是背叛你们的友谊。He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。What you're asking me to do goes against everything I believe in.你现在要求我所做的事情违背了我的所有原则。In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严格的准则。This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.之所以说此观点违背了批判性社会研究的宗旨,有几点理由。The judge ruled that the doctor's actions were in breach of her contractual duty.法官裁定,这位女医生的行为违背了她所承担的合同义务。The prospect of breaking her promise lay heavily on her mind.违背自己诺言的事沉重地压在她的心头。The decision was made against the wishes of the party leader.这个决定违背了该党领导人的意愿。The Government has broken all its engagements.政府违背了它所有的诺言。Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles.巴克从来不会因为受到威胁而做违背自己原则的事情。They did it against my wishes. 他们这样做违背了我的意愿。The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.袭击平民的举动是对和平协定的公然违背For the socialists, privatization goes against the grain.私有化是违背社会主义者意愿的。The Liberals also retracted their promise to balance the budget.自由党人也违背了他们平衡预算的承诺。I won't do it. It's against my principles. 我不会做这事。这违背了我的准则。Orton's plays transgress accepted social norms.奥顿的戏剧违背了约定俗成的社会准则。I accommodated him by taking the sick horse, though it was against my will.尽管违背自己的心愿,我还是予他方便,买下了那匹病马。Changes are being made here which go against my principles.这里作出的改变违背了我的原则。This theory goes against the beliefs of most current political thinkers.这个理论与当今大多数政治思想家的看法相违背They are disinclined to use violence because it is against their Buddhist faith.他们不愿意使用暴力,因为这么做违背他们的佛教信仰。They may do the reverse of what you want.他们的做法可能完全违背你的意愿。Many people consider her decision to be a breach of trust/confidence.很多人都认为她的决定不守信用/违背保密原则。




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