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例句 She prayed she wouldn't come in and find them there, bellowing at each other.她祈祷自己进来后不会看到他们冲着彼此大吼大叫。Police moved in to disperse the crowd.警察开进来驱散人群。Suddenly there was a commotion by the front door, and two police officers marched in.突然,前门一阵骚动,两名警察大步走了进来Before we move in, the place has to be redecorated and all the carpets replaced.我们搬进来之前,这个地方要重新装修,所有地毯也都要换掉。The band played the procession in.队伍在乐队的伴奏声中走进来They just walked in and took all my money.他们就这么走进来把我的钱全拿走了。Abby came in with a broad smile on her face.阿比满面笑容地走了进来You can hardly be held responsible for Darrow waltzing in, cool as a cucumber, and demanding thousands of pounds.达罗不慌不忙、大摇大摆地走进来,索要几千英镑,这跟你一点关系都没有。Her father walked in when they were kissing. = They were kissing when in walked her father.他们正在亲吻时,她父亲走了进来She came in on crutches that morning, her foot still in a cast.那天早晨她拄着拐杖走进来,脚上还打着石膏。All conversation ceased as the two police officers entered.两名警察进来,所有谈话都停止了。A waiter entered with a tray.侍者端着托盘进来了。She came in with her hair all over the place.她顶着一头乱发进来了。He felt the air rush in through the open window.他感到气流从打开的窗户猛吹进来The cool night air wafted in through the open windows.凉爽的晚风从敞开的窗户飘了进来Vic stumbled over the step as he came in.维克进来时在台阶上绊了一下。There is a continuous stream of phone calls.不断有电话打进来She raised her eyes from the newspaper when he came in.他走进来时,她把视线从报纸上抬起来。Helen had come in, fussing about something or other.海伦进来了,不知因为什么事正闹脾气。She walked in on the arm of some blond Adonis.她挽着一个金发美少年走了进来Harry came in, his face drawn in anxiety.满脸愁容的哈里走了进来There was bright sunlight streaming through the windows.明媚的阳光透过窗户照射进来I've just come in to turn the bedclothes down.我刚进来掀开被子准备睡觉。At Derek's entry a few heads turned.德里克进来时有几个人转过头来。Could you ask the next patient to come in, please?请你叫下一个病人进来好吗?Cold air was getting in through a crack in the wall.冷风透过墙上的裂缝吹了进来I had a suspicion that somebody had come in and changed the ornaments on the piano around.我怀疑有人进来挪动了钢琴上面装饰物的位置。They came in the front way.他们从前门进来了。The weak winter light shone through the window.冬日里一抹暗淡的光线从窗户照射进来He popped in to say hello.他匆匆进来说声你好。Annie arrived late and immediately launched into a lengthy description of the terrible traffic on the roads.安妮迟到了,一进来就啰啰唆唆地讲路上交通如何如何糟糕。Medical supplies were being lifted in by helicopter.医药用品正在用直升机空运进来She came in, chucked her books on the table, and went straight to her room.进来后把书往桌上一扔,然后径直走进自己的房间。Since you came in you've been leading up to this question.自打你进来,你就在为提这个问题做准备。The men burst in wearing balaclavas and brandishing sawn-off shotguns.头戴遮脸盔式帽、挥舞着短管猎枪的几名男子冲了进来She looked up and nodded for me to come in.她抬起头,点头示意让我进来I'm sorry for barging in without ringing the bell.不好意思,我没按门铃就闯了进来Just then he walked in.就在那时,他走了进来You look tired. Come in and take a load off.你看起来很疲惫。进来坐下歇歇。Two men walked in and went up to the bar. A hush fell over the room.两个男人走了进来并走向吧台,房间里变得鸦雀无声。




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