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例句 The stationery was personalized with her initials.她的个人专用信笺上有她姓名首字母签名标识The company has a distinctive logo that makes it well known.这个公司以独特的标识闻名。The new logo was unveiled in a blaze of publicity.标识在公众的瞩目下首次亮相。The marking on the road is unclear.路上的标识不清楚。If you want the real McCoy, then you have to look out for the sign of the ducal crown which signifies the approved product.如果你想要真货,那你就得留意看上面是否有认证产品应有的公爵冠冕标识It was difficult to read the markings on the label.很难看清标签上的标识They were ordered to desist from using the symbol as a logo.他们被勒令停止使用那个符号作为标识The logo was still visible but less obtrusive this time in beige.标识这次改用米色,不那么扎眼但也能看清。The subject is marked postpositionally by a particle.主语被一小品词标识后置。You should read the warning label before you take any medicine.吃任何药之前都应该阅读说明书上的警告标识The diary features the organization's distinctive new logo.记事簿上醒目地印着该组织独具特色的新标识The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.这个数字符号是计量单位磅的常用标识Road markings have even been readable through snow.道路标识即使在雪天也可以看清楚。The elements of identification have multiple dimensions.元素的身份标识有多个维度。The police came in a black unmarked patrol car.警察开着一辆无标识的黑色巡逻车来了。His jacket sports the logo of the Giants.他的夹克上特意别着巨人队的标识There's a time lag between when you see a stop sign and when your foot steps on the brake.从你看见停车标识到你踩下刹车之间有时间滞差。We kept our eyes peeled for a sign that would tell us where to turn.我们仔细寻找哪里可以转弯的标识The company adopted a new corporate identity, including a new logo.公司推出了新的企业形象,采用了新的标识All major appliances such as refrigerators must have an energy guide label.所有像电冰箱这样的大家电必须有能效等级标识What do those marks in the middle of the road mean?路中央的那些标识是什么意思?Each node can contain some identifying data, plus a set of subnodes of a specific child type.每个节点可以包含一些标识数据,以及一组特定子类型的子节点。The brand has a universally recognizable logo.在哪儿都能认出这个品牌的标识The goldsmith's mark is stamped on the back.金匠的标识印在后面。There should be a law ensuring products tested on animals have to be labelled as such.应该制定一项法律,以确保进行过动物试验的产品务必贴上此类明确标识As a player, he likes to wear a jersey emblazoned with his team's insignia.作为一个球员,他喜欢穿刻记有他球队标识的球衣。Too many signs were cluttering up the street corner.街角处堆了太多的标识Stationery can be imprinted with your message or logo.可以把你们的宣传语或标识印在信纸上。Their jackets have the school's insignia on the front.他们的夹克胸前有校徽标识The new logo features a more modern typeface.标识的特点是用了更现代的字体。All the streets are well-marked. 所有这些街道的名称都有明确标识She wore the logo of the sponsoring company.她佩戴着赞助公司的标识The baseball team has a new logo.这个棒球队有一个新的标识The army said the relief flight would be too dangerous as none of its helicopters had Red Cross markings.军方说由于没有一架直升机带有红十字标识,所以救援飞行太危险。The tower is a mark for fliers.这座塔楼是飞行员的标识




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