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词汇 进口
例句 We import foreign manufactured goods.我们进口国外制成品。A lot of the restrictions on imports have been done away with.进口的许多限制已被废除了。However, UK imports seem to be almost entirely insensitive to the exchange rate these days.然而,目前英国的进口似乎基本不受汇率影响。The country is heavily dependent on oil and gas imports.这个国家严重依赖石油和天然气进口They import fine silk textiles from China.他们从中国进口优质的丝织品。Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.国产零件取代进口零件。The government slapped import quotas on foreign cars.政府对外国汽车强制实行进口限额。The store's croissants are imported directly from France.这家商店的羊角面包是直接从法国进口的。They are planning to embargo oil imports.他们正在计划禁止石油进口A certain amount of liquor can be imported duty-free.可以免税进口一定量的酒。It is perfectly legal to import these goods under European law.根据欧洲的法律,进口这些货物是完全合法的。We stopped at the entrance of a wood, waiting for the arrival of our equipages.我们在树林的进口处停了下来,等待我们装备的到来。Perfume is liable to import duty.进口香水应纳进口税。For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products.多年来,这个国家一直竭力阻挠各种廉价外国产品的进口I refuse to buy imported organic goods on principle.我有自己的原则,不买进口有机商品。We have to import an extra 4 million tons of wheat to replenish our reserves.我们不得不额外进口四百万吨小麦以补充我们的储备。Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency.进口激增将增加对硬通货的需求。Britain is heavily dependent on imports for its raw materials.英国的原材料严重依赖进口We export rice but import wheat.我们出口稻米,但进口小麦。The United States has to import some of its oil.美国所用的原油有部分必须依靠进口All the raw materials are imported.所有原料都是进口的。The government has extended the ban on the import of beef until June.政府已经把进口牛肉的禁令延长至六月。Even the smallest piece of machinery is imported.甚至连最小的机器也是进口的。The country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products.该国已设法阻止进口各种廉价外国产品。Luxury flowers are imported from Holland.名贵的花是从荷兰进口的。The US has slapped tariffs on steel imports.美国已对进口钢材征收关税。We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products.我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。Sugar is imported in bulk from the mainland.糖是从大陆大量进口的。Ghana still imports both raw and processed tobacco.加纳仍旧进口生烟草和加工过的烟草。You should be aware of the danger of Europe becoming flooded with low-cost agricultural imports.你应该注意到低成本的进口农产品充斥欧洲市场的危险。Unions are pressing for restrictions on steel imports from Japan.工会正敦促限制从日本进口钢材。The shop imports goods such as painted gourd containers.这家商店进口诸如彩绘葫芦容器等商品。The oil import picture worsens for the country.该国石油进口前景更加不妙。There has been a decrease in our imports.我们的进口减少了。The poor performance has been blamed on the recession and cheaper sports car imports.业绩不佳的原因被归咎于经济衰退和低价跑车的进口Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.但是德国坚持对进口波兰煤炭加以限制。Huge imports were draining the country's currency reserves.大量的进口正在耗尽该国的货币储备。It's more profitable to import flour.进口面粉可以获得更多利润。We import an incredible amount of cheese from the Continent.我们从欧洲大陆进口数量惊人的奶酪。Spain imposed levies on farm imports from non-member states.西班牙对来自非成员国的进口农产品征税。




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