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例句 After all the trouble she put me to, I didn't feel disposed to help her.她给我带来了这么多的麻烦,我可不愿意再帮她了。We have no more information available at this time.我们现在只有这么多资料。There are so many great newscasters it's difficult to pick one out.这么多优秀的新闻播音员,很难从中挑出一个。Opal, his wife, didn't really like him drinking so much.他的妻子奥珀尔不太喜欢他喝这么多酒。It was strange to ride in a saddle after riding bareback for so many years.骑光背马这么多年后,再骑配了鞍的马感觉怪怪的。She was afraid to speak up in front of all these important people.她害怕在这么多重要人物面前侃侃而谈。With all the competition, a website really has to give away something good to get people's attention.面对这么多的竞争,网站真的不得不送出一些好东西来吸引人们的注意。The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.政府似乎陷入了左右为难的境地,不知道该拿这么多人怎么办。It is difficult to choose from the vast array of wines.很难从这么多种葡萄酒中作出选择。It's hard to understand the unemployment figures when so many jobs go unfilled.这么多工作空着没人做,这个失业率数字叫人难以理解。It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people.就是因为这个原因,电视才会给这么多人带来如此大的便利。The movie was so full of commercial breaks it was impossible to enjoy.这部电影里插播了这么多广告,简直没法好好欣赏。We can only accommodate so many.我们只能接待这么多人。I don't know how I managed to spend so much in the club last night.我不知道昨晚在俱乐部怎么会花了这么多钱。They didn't expect this many people to come to the party.他们没想到会有这么多人来参加派对。Your mother's a saint. She's done so much to help us.你母亲简直是个圣人,她帮了我们这么多的忙。Jed admitted he'd been at the scene, but that's all I could get out of him.杰德承认他当时在场,但我能从他那里问出的就这么多You'll feel awful in the morning, if you drink so much.你喝得这么多,明天早上会感到难受的。Fridges won't work properly if you jam so much food into them that the cold air can't circulate.如果你把这么多食物塞进冰箱,导致冷气不能流动,那么冰箱就不能正常工作了。She had so many awards but was completely unknown to me.她拿了这么多奖,但我对她一无所知。Over the years, much of the wood in the house had rotted.过了这么多年,房子的木头很大一部分都腐朽了。How did you manage to prepare so much food all by yourself?你一个人是怎么做出这么多食物来的?How could you have lied to us all these years?你竟然骗了我们所有人这么多年!It's the only halfway decent novel she's written in years.这是她这么多年来所写的唯一还算过得去的小说。How do we get through so much milk?我们怎么用得了这么多牛奶?The fact that so many parents refuse to send their children to the school speaks for itself.这么多家长不愿意把孩子送到那所学校上学,原因不言而喻。I'm disturbed that so many of the students appear to be illiterate.这么多学生仿佛目不识丁,这让我担心。Almost like an accident of nature, this family has produced more talents than seems possible.真像是一个自然界的意外,虽然似乎不大可能,但是这家人中确实出了这么多的能人。It was a tribute to her teaching methods that so many children passed the test.这么多孩子通过了测验,这充分说明了她的教学方法非常有效。It was damnably unfair that he should suffer so much.他遭受了这么多的痛苦,真是太不公平了。He does deserve some good luck after so much wretchedness.经过这么多苦难之后,他应该行点好运了。I've eaten so much, I actually feel uncomfortable.我吃了这么多,实在感觉很不舒服。Excuse my brother if he talks too much, he's rather excitable.请原谅我弟弟讲得这么多,他很容易激动。I'd love to come with you, but with all the work I have to do it's out of the question.我很想和你一起去,但我有这么多工作要做,所以是不可能的。Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子的。Only in Hollywood could a meatball make so much gravy.只有在好莱坞笨蛋才能轻易赚到这么多钱。I simply cannot face grubbing through all this paper.我简直受不了要翻阅这么多文件。More care would insure you against making so many mistakes.多加注意就能保证你不犯这么多的错误了。It is surprising how many survived.这么多人幸存下来,真是令人惊奇。I can do only so much in a day.我一天只能做这么多




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