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例句 The ship was damaged but was able to return to port under its own steam.这艘船受损了,但得以靠自身动力返回港口。We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path.我们沿原路返回,想回到正确的路线上。The weather very nearly forced us to turn back.天气问题差点儿迫使我们返回Even the most stouthearted of hikers would have had to turn back in this weather.即便是最有勇气的徒步旅行者,碰到这样的天气也会掉头返回的。He was depressed about having to return to school.他不得不返回学校,这令他非常沮丧。A blizzard forced the climbers back to the relative safety of their tents.暴风雪迫使登山者返回至相对安全的帐篷里。He attempted to return downwind to the airfield, overshot, and crashed through the boundary hedge.他曾试图顺风返回机场,结果滑出了跑道,冲进了旁边的树篱。The storm drove him back.暴风雨使他被迫返回I am at present out of station and will reply on my return.我目前不在,将会在返回之后回复。He returned to the area to collect rock samples and have them assayed.返回该地区搜集岩石样品并对它们进行化验。She returned to the bookstore again and again. 她一次又一次地返回书店。They return at night, infiltrating the territory the Turks have taken.他们悄悄穿越土耳其人占领的区域,在夜间返回She has jaunted from Belfast to Dublin and back.她从贝尔法斯特到都柏林作短途旅行,然后返回She returned to the company after a long/prolonged absence.她休完长假后返回公司上班。When his father died, he returned to England to claim his inheritance.父亲去世以后他返回英格兰要求继承遗产。There was much rejoicing when the soldiers returned home.士兵们返回家园时,大家都欣喜若狂。During the long drive back to London Jo had racked her brain for an alternative.在开车返回伦敦的漫长旅途中,乔苦苦思索着其他的办法。He arose and took the long way back.他站起来,从较远的路返回She hastened back to the house.她急忙返回那座房子。The soldiers were ordered back to the base.士兵们奉命返回基地。The pilot wisely decided to return to Farnborough post haste.飞行员明智地决定尽快返回法恩伯勒。The shuttle will re-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow.航天飞机明天将返回地球大气层。Deep in her soul she knew she had to return to her country.在她的心灵深处,她知道自己必须返回祖国。The soldiers were ordered to return to the base.士兵们奉命返回基地。The weary troops marched back to the base.疲惫不堪的士兵列队返回基地。Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm.经常返回她移居的国家让她写出了她的第一本书《万金油》。Quick men, back to your post!迅速返回各自岗位!I'm going to double back to see if I dropped the ring on the way here.我打算原路返回看看戒指是否掉在路上了。She'll be back in school come September. = She'll be back in school when September comes.到了九月,她将返回学校。She returned to her hometown to stay after college.大学毕业后,她返回了家乡。It's too late to turn back. We have to keep going.现在返回已经太晚了,我们只能继续前进。He returned to America where he set to work on a new novel.返回美国,开始写一部新小说。Part of the trail was flooded, so we had to go back the way we had come.小径的部分路段已经被水淹了,因此我们只得按原路返回Ali returned to boxing with a new fire in his belly.阿里胸中重新燃起的如火热情返回了拳坛。The pilot was debriefed after his flight.飞行员返回后被要求汇报飞行情况。The tourists began trickling back to the buses.游客们开始陆续返回大巴车。The returning bomber crews were debriefed.询问了返回的轰炸机机组人员以了解情况。The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable.乘地铁返回市中心又热又不舒服。At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river.在多塞特码头向左返回河道。When it was time to leave and return to civilization we both felt rejuvenated.当就要离开这里返回文明世界时,我们俩都觉得恢复了活力。




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