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词汇 近海
例句 We anchored off the French coast.我们在法国近海抛锚泊船。The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters.出售的鱼来自我们自己的近海水域。The French impounded two Greenpeace ships off their coast.法国人在其近海扣押了两艘绿色和平组织的船。We were soon out of soundings, and well into the Bay of Biscay.我们很快就驶离近海,进入比斯开湾深水区。Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore.煦暖的气候将比目鱼引到了近海Crewmen aboard the tanker sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal.油船上的船员们在塞内加尔的近海发现了一艘遇难船。Europe was passing from a thalassic to an oceanic stage of civilization.欧洲正在由近海文明阶段进入大洋文明阶段。The animals move inshore to feed.这些动物到近海觅食。The fishermen are trawling the offshore waters.渔民们正在近海用拖网捕鱼。St Lucia depends on its clean coastal waters for its income.圣卢西亚岛的收入靠的是其清洁的近海水域。The temperature change in winter is less pronounced in maritime areas.近海地区冬季温度变化不那么明显。Moving the drilling rig offshore was a costly enterprise.把钻探机移至近海是一项耗资巨大、艰难复杂的工程。




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