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词汇 day out
例句 He wears an old brown jacket day in, day out.他每天都穿着同一件棕色的旧外套。Henry did the same thing, day in and day out, for over thirty years.亨利三十多年来日复一日地干同一个工作。A visit to the caves makes a fascinating and exciting day out for all the family.一家人去岩洞一日游有趣而又刺激。Hundreds of people were there and it was a really fun day out.那里有好几百人,这天出游真是开心啊。The weather had conspired to ruin their day out.坏天气凑在一起破坏了他们的一日游。It's so boring, eating the same food day in, day out.天天吃同样的食品乏味得很。We quite enjoyed our day out, in spite of the weather.尽管天气不太好,我们出去这一天还是过得相当愉快。Their squabbling continued day in, day out until it almost drove me out of my mind.他们每天争吵不断,搞得我都要发疯了。It was a perfect day out.那是在外面过得非常美好的一天。You get fit by playing the game, day in, day out, morning, noon, and night.日复一日不间断地做这个运动可以让你身体健康。It can be difficult to spend all of your time with one person day in and day out.日复一日地将你全部的时间与一人度过可能会是件困难的事。Investigators are working day in, day out to determine the cause of the crash.调查人员天天都在工作,以找出交通事故的起因。Day in, day out the same thoughts were going round and round in my head.日复一日,同样的想法一直萦绕在我心头。The prisoners spend only four hours a day out of their cells.囚犯每天只有四小时在牢房外面活动。You get fit by playing the game, day in, day out, morning, noon and night.从早到晚都坚持做这项运动,日复一日,你就能强壮起来。Day in, day out, the food was the same.食物天天都是一个样。Few museums could rival the Old Royal Observatory at Greenwich for a grand day out.若想找个地儿开心地逛一天,几乎没有哪家博物馆能比得上格林尼治皇家天文台。The Exhibition Centre is a great day out, with plenty of parking and all the attractions of Manchester close at hand.到展览中心玩一天很不错,那里车位多,而且曼彻斯特所有的景点都在近旁。Working in a factory involves the same routine day in, day out.在工厂干活就是天天都做同样的工作。!I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out.我每天都要干这些单调乏味的工作。It's a great place for a picnic and an active day out.这是个适合野餐和丰富多彩户外活动的好地方。Most of the students said that they had really enjoyed the day out.大多数学生都说非常高兴在外面度过这一天。I don't know how you can stand eating the same thing day in day out.我不明白你怎么能忍受天天吃同样的东西。The city has been much prettified and certainly makes for a good day out.城市装点一新,肯定能够让你痛痛快快地玩儿一天。She does the same thing at her job day in, day out.她在工作岗位上日复一日地做着同样的事情。




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