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词汇 运动员
例句 He lost his self-control and lashed out at the other player.他失去自制力,攻击了另一名运动员She has the confidence of an accomplished athlete.她像出色的运动员那样信心十足。Doctors say the young athlete is now fighting for his life.医生们说这位年轻运动员现在病情危重。He's an excellent athlete and a credit to the sport.他是位优秀的运动员,也是这项运动的骄傲。The wrestlers grappled in the center of the ring.摔跤运动员在场子中心扭斗。As an athlete he is peerless.作为一名运动员,他所向无敌。It appears the two players exchanged a few angry words at the changeover.两名运动员好像在交换场地时对骂了几句。Some of the runners in the race began to lag.参加比赛的运动员中有一些开始落后了。The ice-skaters will be judged on technique and creativity.滑冰运动员的评分依据是技巧和创造性。Many sportsmen and women consider random drug-testing to be an unwarranted invasion of their privacy.许多运动员认为抽样药检是对他们隐私的无理侵犯。I was quite an athlete in my younger days. 我年轻时是个不错的运动员Some of the players may, on occasion, break the rules and be penalized.有些运动员偶尔可能会违规并因此而受罚。They have enviable reputations as athletes.他们作为运动员有着令人羡慕的声誉。As a dedicated sportsman, Steven trained every day of the week.史蒂文是个敬业的运动员,一周七天都在训练。Her determination and desire to win spread to the other players.她取胜的决心和欲望感染了其他运动员Woods is blessed with great natural ability as a player.伍兹作为运动员天赋很高。The two runners broke the tape together.两位赛跑运动员在终点同时撞线。The runners saved their energy for the last lap. = The runners saved themselves for the last lap.运动员为最后一圈保存体力。He's a relatively good squash player.他是个比较不错的壁球运动员New medical procedures have elongated the careers of many athletes.新的医疗手段延长了许多运动员的运动生涯。Athletes have to learn how to fall without hurting themselves.运动员必须学会跌倒时不伤到自己。The player earned his laurels from years of hard work.经多年的努力,这位运动员获得了殊荣。A weight lifter is able to lift a very heavy weight.举重运动员能举起很重的重量。This performance confirmed her status as a world-class athlete.这个成绩确立了她世界级运动员的地位。She has been an inspiration to other young athletes from a similar background.她是其他背景相似的年轻运动员们的榜样。The gymnast made a clean landing.那位体操运动员干净利落地落了地。He came from nowhere, this rank outsider, to beat a field of top-class athletes.他这个谁都没有看上眼的选手一下子冒了出来,竟然击败了赛场上所有的顶尖运动员It is strictly against the rules for athletes to take drugs.运动员服用违禁药物是严重违反规定的行为。He is a good player, granted, but no better than Williams was.他的确是个很好的运动员,可是他比不上威廉。The players were banned from the league for being overage.这些运动员因超龄而被禁止参加运动员联合会。The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully.体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。He motivated his players through a mixture of stern demands and affection.他一方面严格要求,一方面又给予关爱,以此来激励运动员He had the physique of a weight lifter.他有举重运动员的体格。The last few runners appeared, to an accompanying cheer from the crowd of onlookers.最后几名赛跑运动员在一群旁观者的喝彩声中出现了。He's one of the all-time greats of British athletics.他是英国体育界最杰出的运动员之一。The players were being heckled by the fans.运动员们受到粉丝的起哄。He shows enormous potential as an athlete.他有极大的潜质,是一位可造就的运动员Although he played sport, he was more suited to academic pursuits.他虽然是运动员,但更适合搞学术。Athletes were often unaware they were fatiguing key muscles.运动员常常意识不到他们过度使用关键肌肉。There are plenty of talented players who slip through the net and never get to play professionally.许多有天分的运动员都因为没被发掘,永远无法成为职业选手。




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