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词汇 过热
例句 The fire was caused by an overheated electric fan.这场火是由电扇过热引起的。The cooling system broke down, the nuclear reactor overheated, and the plant had to be evacuated.冷却系统出了故障,核反应堆过热,核电厂里的人员被迫疏散。The vacuum cleaner comes with a full ten-year guarantee against burnout.此款真空吸尘器有整十年的过热故障保修期。If the engine overheats, switch it off and do not start it again until it has cooled down.如果引擎过热,关掉它,等它冷却后再重新发动。Banks, he said, had been overeager to give out loans.他说,银行发放贷款过热My car tends to overheat in the summer.我的车夏天经常过热Vents allow any steam to escape if the system overheats.系统过热时,蒸汽可从排放口逸出。Many microwaves heat unevenly, leading to hot spots in the milk.很多微波炉加热不均匀,导致牛奶中有过热部分。Too much heat will make the bark wrinkle and peel.过热会使树皮起皱剥落。The machine senses when the engine gets too hot, and shuts itself off.引擎过热时机器会检测出来并自动关机。Test results provoked worries that the reactor could overheat.检测结果引发了对反应堆可能过热的担忧。My car engine overheated because the water had leaked out of the radiator.我的汽车引擎过热,原因是散热器漏水。The engine was overheating and the car was not handling well.发动机过热,车子不好操纵。If computer circuits are allowed to overheat they will misbehave .如果计算机电路过热,就会出现故障。Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat.给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热The engine stalls if you let it get too hot.发动机过热就会熄火。The market for new houses is overheated.新房市场过热Be careful not to overheat the engine.当心别让发动机过热I think the engine's overheating again.我想引擎又过热了。The economy overheated and the Government used interest rates to dampen it down.经济发展过热,政府通过利率加以抑制。It tells you in the instructions not to let the machine get too hot.说明书上说不要让机器过热As the aircraft became airborne, the engines overheated, actuating the fire extinguishers.飞机起飞过程中,引擎过热,启动了灭火器。I think the engine is overheating.我觉得发动机过热了。If the computer starts to overheat, the fan cuts in.如果电脑开始过热,风扇就会自动启动。Have you ever tried mulling cider?你喝过热制苹果酒吗?The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.私营企业的开支急剧增长造成经济发展过热




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